CallTower Unveils Worldwide Managed Gateways
CallTower's Cutting-Edge Managed Gateways Set New Benchmarks in Global Communication
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, ROCHESTER, NY, BOSTON, MA, LONDON, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - CallTower, a global leader in delivering unified communications, contact center, and collaboration solutions, including Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and Zoom, has launched managed gateways in EMEA, APAC, and LATAM markets. This strategic expansion marks a significant milestone for CallTower, enabling businesses worldwide to access advanced communication capabilities.
The Managed Gateway serves as a powerful global solution, seamlessly onboarding customers onto specified UCaaS products like Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and Zoom, along with potential CCaaS offerings, in regions where traditional PSTN replacement/porting services are not directly available through CallTower. This innovative technology enables the connection of these platforms to difficult-to-service locations, including China, India, select Middle Eastern countries, as well as various African and Latin American nations. This breakthrough is particularly significant given the limitations in these regions, marking a substantial advancement for CallTower's global reach and service capabilities.
"We are excited to introduce our Managed Gateways into the EMEA, APAC and LATAM markets," stated William Rubio, CRO at CallTower. "This expansion exemplifies our commitment to empowering global enterprises with dependable and secure communication solutions essential for thriving in today's competitive business environment."
Backed by a dedicated team of experts, CallTower's Managed Gateways promise seamless implementation and continuous support on a global scale for customers’ existing SIP, T1, and E1 connections. The comprehensive managed gateway process ensures smooth integration of existing phone systems with CallTower's unified communications platform, eliminating the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.
Since its inception in 2002, CallTower has evolved into a global cloud-based, enterprise-class Unified Communications, Contact Center, and Collaboration solutions provider for growing organizations worldwide. CallTower provides, integrates, and supports industry-leading solutions, including Operator Connect for Microsoft® Teams, MS Teams Direct Routing, GCC High Teams Direct Routing, Microsoft® 365, Cisco® Webex Calling / UCM, Cisco® CCP, Zoom Phone, Zoom (BYOB) and four contact center options, including Five9 for business customers.
For more information, contact
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