Semiconductor Tech Firm IceMOS Technology One of Only Ten Exceptional Exporters Honoured in UK Gover
- IceMOS Technology recognized as award winner in Advanced Manufacturing & Construction category in 2024 Department for Business and Trade’s (DBT) Made in the UK, Sold to the World Awards
- Now in its second year, the awards celebrate outstanding small and medium businesses achieving exporting success
- IceMOS Technology recognized for its manufacturing expertise, has a manufacturing centre of excellence in Belfast, with 99% of its business exported outside of the British Isles
LONDON, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Semiconductor technology firm, IceMOS Technology Corporation today announced it is among the 2024 winners of the Department for Business and Trade’s (DBT) Made in the UK, Sold to the World Awards announced today.
Samuel J Anderson - IceMos Technology
“IceMOS Technology Founder and Chairman - Dr. Samuel J. Anderson, MBE”
Now in its second year, the awards celebrate the international sales success of small and medium businesses across the UK and provide a stepping stone for further growth and opportunity.
Recognized in the Advanced Manufacturing & Construction category, IceMOS Technology is a privately held semiconductor technology corporation and manufacturer of a new class of MEMS-based (microelectromechanical systems-based) power and sensing advanced semiconductor technologies. The proven technology serves wide-ranging applications anywhere that power efficiency and sensing matters. The company has a manufacturing centre of excellence located in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
With 99% of the IceMOS business exported outside of the British Isles, IceMOS Technology has significantly expanded its customer base by accessing international markets, resulting in growth of sales and revenue. The decision to venture beyond domestic borders has provided opportunities to connect with a broader audience, while bolstering the resilience of the UK semiconductor industry.
Minister for Exports Lord Offord, said:
“We’re proud of our British exporters and these awards highlight some fantastic businesses punching above their weight and selling UK-made products around the world. I hope the winners serve as inspiration to others looking to get onto the exporting ladder and encourage more businesses to showcase the incredible talent and innovation of UK businesses selling abroad.”
Commenting on IceMOS Technology’s win, Dr. Samuel J. Anderson, MBE, IceMOS Technology founder and chairman said:
“This win underscores our position as a leader in the industry and validates the effectiveness of our sensing and power technologies in driving energy efficiency and CO2 reduction. It provides us with a strong foundation to further expand our exporting success. Building on this momentum, we aim to diversify our export markets and deepen our presence in existing ones, while continuing to invest in research and development to drive innovation and stay ahead of emerging trends. Additionally, we will focus on strengthening partnerships and collaborations to leverage synergies and maximize our impact globally. Ultimately, our goal is to solidify our position as the go-to provider for energy-efficient semiconductor solutions and contribute significantly to the ongoing efforts towards sustainability and decarbonization.”
The winning businesses have been drawn from a diverse range of 12 sectors across 10 categories. Five categories have been introduced as new additions this year to ensure that businesses from all sectors could enter.
Marco Forgione, Director General of The Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT) and panel judge, added:
“IceMOS Technology has emerged as a pioneer in the semiconductor industry, leveraging its innovative MEMS-based technology to redefine power efficiency worldwide. Through strategic global exports, IceMOS has not only expanded its customer base but fortified the resilience of the UK semiconductor sector. With a strong focus on market diversification, IceMOS has achieved remarkable growth and now serves over 150 customers.”
About IceMOS Technology
IceMOS is an equity-financed private Delaware semiconductor corporation and manufacturer of a new class of MEMS based power and sensing advanced semiconductor technology that serves wide-ranging applications anywhere that power efficiency and sensing matters. The company has a manufacturing centre of excellence located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, an advanced research innovation centre in Tempe, Arizona, and a design centre in Tokyo, Japan.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Company and Media Contact:
Hugh Griffin
IceMOS Technology
+44 2890 574700
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