Schneider Electric Launches All-In-One Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for Microgrids
- Upholding the highest and strictest safety standards, BESS will be available in various markets around the world.
Schneider Electric, the global leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced the launch of its latest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) designed and engineered to be a part of a flexible and scalable, architecture. BESS is the foundation for a fully integrated microgrid solution that is driven by Schneider Electric’s controls, optimization, electrical distribution, and world-renowned digital and field services.
The climate crisis and geopolitical tension means energy security is not guaranteed today. Resilience can be improved by ensuring access and storage of various onsite energy sources quickly, efficiently, and safely. As an integral part of a microgrid system, BESS captures energy from different sources, accumulates this energy, and stores it in rechargeable batteries for later use. Battery Energy Storage is the only Distributed Energy Resource (DERs) that enables the widest range of customer energy-use cases, including resiliency, demand-charge reduction, services, renewable self-consumption, decarbonization of electrical energy, and variable generation smoothing.
“Reliable energy supply cannot be taken for granted. With over two decades of expertise in power conversion and batteries, storage is at the core of Schneider Electric’s proposition. Now, we are proud to introduce a solution that has been thoroughly designed and tested,” said Bala Vinayagam, Schneider Electric’s Senior Vice President of Microgrids. “Our aim is to deliver this cornerstone technology to the market that enables multiple use cases for resilience, sustainability, and energy cost savings. We are providing greater demand-side flexibility at scale to the microgrid sector by enabling our local expert partners to deliver a safe and compatible system."
Comprised of battery modules, battery racks, a battery management system, power conversion unit, and controller, BESS has been tested and validated to work as an integral component with Schneider Electric’s microgrid systems. It is also fully integrated into the software suite, which includes EcoStruxure Microgrid Operation, and EcoStruxure Microgrid Advisor. With defined commercial references and options, selections include configuration and advanced safety controls, BESS minimizes energy costs and delivers the following features:
- Full Integration Capabilities: The all-in-one enclosure seamlessly incorporates pre-integrated components streamlining site engineering, construction, and installation processes while minimizing labor and material expenses. The paralleling capability enables multiple BESS units to function as a unified entity. This comprehensive integration encompasses inverters, batteries, cooling systems, transformers, safety features, and controls, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
- Easy Installation and Maintenance: The ready-to-deploy system, featuring tested, validated, and documented architecture (TVDA), facilitates installation processes, delivering efficiency compared to traditional custom-engineered designs. The solution also seamlessly integrates with Schneider Electric’s Energy Management Systems (EMS), significantly reducing integration time and minimizing field errors.
- Safety Compliant: The solution is fully certified and compliant using ANSI/UL standards for deployment across multiple geographies and has a cutting-edge fire safety system design.
- Resilience: The system offers bidirectional connectivity to the grid, providing the flexibility to operate as either grid-connected or off-grid. With the capacity to store energy for immediate access during outages, BESS can deliver up to 2 MW of power when needed.
- Peace of Mind: Comprehensive services and support available throughout the lifecycle of the project and warranty execution for optimal maintenance and care.
The BESS is available as a 20-feet NEMA 3R Enclosure that is AC coupled and available from 250kW to 2MW in 2h and 4h configurations.
“Our new Battery Energy Storage System marks a significant step forward in enabling storage and connection with Distributed Energy Resources that is flexible enough to meet the future energy demand needs,” Vinayagam said. “Amidst the global pursuit of net-zero objectives and the imperative for an enhanced grid, we are working closely with our trusted network of partners to deliver the technology required to fully unlock the potential of simplified battery storage and power conversion.”
For more information about microgrid technologies and energy resiliency, check out this blog.
Schneider Electric PR Contact:
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