Teledyne FLIR IIS expands its Forge camera series with IP67 rating targeting smart agriculture, food
The Forge 1GigE IP67 camera series is designed for reliability in demanding industrial factory automation environments
Teledyne FLIR IIS' Forge 1GigE IP67 camera
The Forge 1GigE IP67 series is designed for demanding factory automation applications
RICHMOND, British Columbia, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teledyne FLIR IIS is pleased to announce the Forge® 1GigE IP67, the latest in its industrial camera series designed to perform in harsh industrial environments while ensuring highly efficient production capabilities. Forge 1GigE IP67 is the latest in our commitment to deliver advanced imaging systems for factory automation.
“We are proud to announce the launch of our latest machine vision product, exclusively designed for smart agriculture, food, and beverage industries,” said Sadiq Panjwani, General Manager at Teledyne FLIR IIS. “Unlike general-purpose cameras in a crowded machine vision market, our solution is tailored to address the complexities of a specific industry. We focus on key markets, and develop solutions from the ground up, armed with a clear understanding of the market, customer partnerships, and technology innovation.”
The Forge 1GigE IP67 camera series has an IP67 cylindrical enclosure for optimal and easy system integration, simplified post operation washing, and the prevention of dirt accumulation. A wide selection of IP67 rated components are available with partners such as Smart Vision Lights® and Components Express, LLC. (CEI) to create an entire IP67 vision ecosystem for our customers.
With advanced on-camera features such as auto-brightness functions (AGC and Auto-Exposure), the new cameras dynamically adjust in variable and outdoor lighting conditions. The IEEE1588 protocol enables multi-camera image capture synchronization, and Lossless Compression (LLC) provides higher frame rates and lower bandwidth requirements, maximizing camera output without compromising image quality for high-speed applications.
Key Features
- IP67 ingress protection minimizes dust and debris accumulation for simplified maintenance
- Onboard processing for no-drop image capture and delivery
- Highly robust and reliable Teledyne GigE framework within the Spinnaker® 4 acquisition SDK
- Support for Sapera® Image Processing Library with AI capability
- Newest Sony® CMOS image sensors, and 1.2 MP to 12 MP resolution options
- Includes a three-year warranty, access to rich online resources, and world-class technical support
The Teledyne FLIR IIS team is grateful for our customers’ ongoing support of our commitment to GigE innovation. Future advancements of Forge 1GigE IP67 will include higher resolution models.
For more information about Forge 1GigE IP67, visit the website.
Visit us at AUTOMATE 2024, Booth #636, from May 6-9, 2024, for the first live demonstration of Forge 1GigE IP67.
About Teledyne FLIR IIS
Teledyne FLIR IIS (Integrated Imaging Solutions), a Teledyne Technologies company, designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial-grade technologies that enhance productivity and development. The company provides innovative sensing solutions through machine vision, spherical imaging, and stereo-imaging technologies. Teledyne FLIR IIS offers a diversified portfolio that serves a wide variety of applications in industrial, medical, geospatial, and advanced robotics markets. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Farhad Kazi, Marketing Communications Specialist
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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