Libro Credit Union Selects nCino to Empower Employees and Positively Impact Ontario Community
Top Ontario-based credit union to replace legacy platforms with nCino’s single platform for a more seamless user experience and streamlined lending operations
TORONTO, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - nCino, Inc. (NASDAQ: NCNO), a pioneer in cloud banking for the global financial services industry, today announced that Libro Credit Union has selected nCino’s Cloud Banking Platform to empower its employees through data, achieve faster time to value and create a smoother experience for customers.
Libro is one of Ontario’s largest credit unions, serving over 117,000 Owners, the customers who all own a piece of the company, with 34 branches and 800 employees across the province. Known for its unique approach to service and commitment to community, Libro invests 100% of profits back into the people, businesses and communities it serves, with a focus on fostering financial resilience.
As a part of their business model, Libro is always open to discovering new and innovative solutions for continuous improvement. Dedication to providing Owners with a user-friendly, real-time customer experience drove them to choose nCino’s Cloud Banking Platform, which will provide an integrated system that acts as a single source of truth and delivers transparency across the loan process.
“At Libro, our ultimate goal is to make an impact by building financial resilience in everyone we encounter because we know that together, we can build a stronger community,” said Carol Normandeau, Executive Vice President, Advice & Service, at Libro Credit Union. “Our transition from multiple systems to nCino’s single platform marks a significant step forward in enhancing our operations and achieving our mission. We’re thrilled about the possibilities nCino brings and anticipate the positive impact it will have on enhancing the end-to-end experience for our Owners and staff.”
“We’re proud to partner with Libro on their journey to enhance the banking experience for their Owners,” said Greg Wipke, Vice President of Sales, Canada at nCino. “When it comes to operational efficiency, nCino offers Libro a user-friendly front-end while simultaneously allowing for better collaboration and knowledge sharing on the back-end for employees. By decreasing time to funding with nCino, Libro will be able to have an even greater impact on its communities, and we’re excited to be part of that as well.”
About nCino
nCino (NASDAQ: NCNO) is the worldwide leader in cloud banking. Through its single software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, nCino helps financial institutions serving corporate and commercial, small business, consumer, and mortgage customers modernize and more effectively onboard clients, make loans, manage the loan lifecycle, and open accounts. Transforming how financial institutions operate through innovation, reputation and speed, nCino is partnered with more than 1,800 financial services providers globally. For more information, visit
About Libro Credit Union
Libro Credit Union is a full-service financial institution serving more than 117,000 member-Owners through a network of digital services and 34 physical locations. Libro is a purposed-based business proudly committed to making a positive impact as a certified B Corporation®, as an associate member of the Responsible Investment Association, and as a Living Wage employer. To learn more about what it means to bank with purpose, visit
Media Contacts
Natalia Moose
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally include actions, events, results, strategies and expectations and are often identifiable by use of the words “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “projects,” “may,” “will,” “could,” “might,” or “continues” or similar expressions. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based upon nCino’s historical performance and its current plans, estimates, and expectations, and are not a representation that such plans, estimates, or expectations will be achieved. These forward-looking statements represent nCino’s expectations as of the date of this press release. Subsequent events may cause these expectations to change and, except as may be required by law, nCino does not undertake any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially including, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to the market adoption of our solution and privacy and data security matters. Additional risks and uncertainties that could affect nCino’s business and financial results are included in reports filed by nCino with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (available on our web site at or the SEC's web site at Further information on potential risks that could affect actual results will be included in other filings nCino makes with the SEC from time to time.
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