WillScot Mobile Mini to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2023 Results on February 20
Company to Host Investor Day Later This Year
PHOENIX, Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp. (“WillScot Mobile Mini” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), a leader in innovative temporary space solutions, today announced that it will release its fourth quarter and fiscal year 2023 financial results on February 20, 2024, after market close.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Brad Soultz, and Chief Financial Officer, Tim Boswell will host a conference call and webcast on February 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. ET to discuss the results.
To access the live call by phone, use the following link: https://register.vevent.com/register/BI81d07f63acf943bb8b9f71d0aaa7bafe
You will be provided with dial-in details after registering. To avoid delays, we recommend that participants dial into the conference call 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled start time. A live webcast will also be accessible via the “Events & Presentations” section of the Company’s website www.willscotmobilemini.com. An archived version of the webcast will be available for 12 months following the call.
In light of its recently announced definitive agreement to acquire McGrath RentCorp (NASDAQ: MGRC), the Company intends to host its Investor Day later this year once the transaction has closed. The Company will provide additional details in due course.
About WillScot Mobile Mini
WillScot Mobile Mini trades on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “WSC.” Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, the Company is a leading business services provider specializing in innovative and flexible temporary space solutions. The Company’s diverse product offering includes modular office complexes, mobile offices, classrooms, temporary restrooms, portable storage containers, blast protective and temperature-controlled structures, clearspan structures, and a thoughtfully curated selection of furnishings, appliances, and other services so its solutions are turnkey for customers. WillScot Mobile Mini services diverse end markets across all sectors of the economy from a network of approximately 240 branch locations and additional drop lots throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Additional information about WillScot Mobile Mini can be found on the company’s website at www.willscotmobilemini.com.
Contact Information
Investor inquiries:
Nick Girardi
Media inquiries:
Jake Saylor
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