Park Place Technologies Acquires Unitech's Third Party Maintenance Services
Deal forms one of Brazil's largest TPM providers.
CLEVELAND, OH, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Park Place Technologies, a leading global provider of data center and networking optimization solutions, has acquired Unitech's third-party maintenance (TPM) business. The acquisition strengthens Park Place's position as one of Brazil's largest TPM providers, expanding its reach in the world's fifth-largest country.
Combined Expertise for Enhanced Customer Service
Unitech, founded in 1989, has a long-standing reputation for serving a diverse client base, including major financial institutions, telecommunication and utility companies. Park Place's global expertise will greatly amplify Unitech's established presence in the Brazil market.
Unitech and Park Place serve clients with the same core values. We both operate with a responsive, client-first approach, and communicate with clarity and transparency. We share customer service strategies, and have a native understanding of the Brazil TPM market," said Unitech owner Ramon Hasky.
Hasky said Unitech's long-term partnership with Park Place, gives us confidence in how our clients will now be served. Park Place is a global company with a strong Latin American presence that offers more scale and an innovative IT lifecycle portfolio. Our customers will benefit from these added Managed Services and Professional Services offerings."
Park Place, now one of Brazil's furthest-reaching TPMs, will add nearly 20,000 Unitech assets to its already robust service legacy in Brazil.
We are taking the hard-earned credibility of Unitech's 30-plus years and leveraging our passion for client services with Park Place's global resources," said Unitech's CEO, Claudio Miranda. Unitech's legacy now has an exciting new chapter; our people and our clients are in good hands with Park Place."
Unitech will continue to independently operate its Hardware, Software and related Professional Services sales.
Park Place operates in Brazil primarily in markets with a history of great relevance and positive expectations, particularly in the management, maintenance, and support of mission-critical hardware," Luiz Fernando Monteiro, IDC Senior Market Analyst, IT Services, Brazil, said. It is an operation focused on service lines that account for about 19% of the total service market in the country. These are essential services, especially in a world of IT distributed across internal infrastructures, own and third-party Data Centers, public and private clouds, with a demand for very high availability and resilience for the continuity of operations of companies across the entire Brazilian market."
Roy Illsley, Chief Analyst for Omdia, said Omdia's research shows that Brazil is a rapidly growing market for the data center business. In fact, São Paulo accounts for 85% of new Data Center building in the country," he said. However, the current Data Center market in Brazil is mostly small sized Data Centers that are distributed between the major cities. Brazil, represents an ideal market for a vendor like Park Place as the growth in data centers will need skills to ensure they can operate efficiently and effectively, and technology vendors with services and solutions are a perfect fit."
Chris Adams, Park Place Technologies President and CEO, said the company's history of investing in people and resources globally will continue.
We are committed to delivering a great experience to all our customers worldwide," he said. We will continue to acquire companies like Unitech that bring a talented workforce and unique capabilities driven by an unparalleled customer experience to our international partners."
A video statement from Unitech is available here.
About Park Place Technologies
Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. We help more than 21,000 clients optimize data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability so they can think bigger – and act faster. From procurement to decommissioning, our comprehensive portfolio of services and products helps IT teams optimize IT lifecycle management. This frees time and spend so they can focus on transforming their businesses for the future.
Park Place's industry-leading and award-winning services portfolio includes Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software ™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.
Michael Miller
Park Place Technologies
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