Ecobat Appoints Thomas Slabe as Chief Executive Officer
DALLAS, Jan. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ecobat, the global leader in battery recycling, announced today that its board of directors has confirmed the appointment of Thomas P. Slabe as chief executive officer (CEO) and named him a member of the board of the company, effective immediately.
“We have great confidence in Tom and trust that he will provide the strong leadership necessary to support the next phase of Ecobat’s growth and future success,” Marcus Randolph, Ecobat’s chairman, said. “Tom’s diverse background, combined with successes at Neenah Enterprises and Contech Engineered Solutions, makes him uniquely qualified to lead the company and our team of talented global professionals. I look forward to working closely alongside and supporting Tom as Ecobat’s chairman.”
“I am honored and excited for this unique opportunity to lead Ecobat, a company with nearly 100 years of global leadership in our sector,” said Slabe, Ecobat’s CEO. “No other company has our breadth of market knowledge and infrastructure for recycling of lead and lithium-ion batteries. I look forward to helping our customers and working with the Ecobat team in fulfilling the immense potential in front of us,” Slabe said.
As chairman, Marcus Randolph will continue to serve on Ecobat’s board of directors and provide a smooth transition for Mr. Slabe.
About Ecobat
Ecobat is the world's largest battery recycler. With decades of experience recycling and producing lead acid battery materials, Ecobat is now applying its global capability, infrastructure and market knowledge towards recycling lithium-ion battery materials. For more information on how we are transforming energy storage, visit
Chelsey Berend
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