KFSH&RC Strives to Pioneer in Maximizing Healthcare Spending Value
Dr. Al Fayyadh at Harvard: We Leverage Technology to Tackle Global Health Challenges
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh, CEO of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) joined the Gulf Creatives Conference (GCC) at Harvard 2024. The event, GCC at Harvard, is organized by The Diwan, an organization run by graduate students at Harvard University. In his address, Dr. Al Fayyadh showcased the KFSH&RC's journey since its inception in Riyadh almost five decades ago, highlighting how it has significantly reduced the need for patients to travel abroad for medical care. KFSH&RC has evolved into a premier provider of tertiary healthcare services and today offers cutting-edge treatments for heart diseases, tumors, organ transplantation, and genetic disorders.
Dr. Al Fayyadh discussed KFSH&RC's transformation into an independent, non-profit foundation. This move, he indicated, aligns with the organization's strategic vision to become a global healthcare innovation leader, emphasizing excellence, innovation, and investment in cutting-edge technology to tackle global health challenges.
"The Saudi Leadership has outlined a clear vision for KFSH&RC, mandated by a royal decree transitioning the hospital into an independent Sui Generis, non-profit foundation," stated His Excellency, Dr. Al Fayyadh.
He further highlighted that this transformation seeks to elevate global healthcare standards through increased independence and flexibility. This shift will allow KSFH&RC to optimize existing services, pursue new opportunities, and direct resources toward initiatives that promote human health and well-being both within the Kingdom and internationally. Ultimately, this move reinforces KFSH&RC's dedication to patient-centered excellence.
Dr. Al Fayyadh pointed out that KFSH&RC envisions itself as a leader in maximizing the value of healthcare spending, adhering to evidence-based practices to ensure optimal patient outcomes. It seeks to remain at the forefront of global healthcare innovation, with initiatives designed to increase health equity and access worldwide. To achieve this, KFSH&RC will continue to invest in cutting-edge medical facilities, advanced diagnostic equipment, and state-of-the-art treatment technologies. Building on existing progress in areas like CAR T-cell therapy, robotic surgeries, organ transplants, and personalized medicine, the institution aims to achieve global competitiveness. This will be further supported by fostering an exceptional workforce, pursuing Nobel Prize-caliber breakthroughs, and strengthening strategic international collaborations.
Dr. Al Fayyadh joined a panel discussion focusing on the evolving landscape of the healthcare sector and the positive outcomes of KFSH&RC's ongoing transformation in patient care. He also addressed current challenges and anticipated future developments within the healthcare sector, emphasizing the profound impact of the hospital's innovations on global healthcare advancement. Additionally, Dr. Al Fayyadh highlighted the effective role of the hospital's transformative initiatives in aligning with the objectives of the Health Sector Transformation Program and Saudi Vision 2030.
KFSH&RC is recognized as one of the leading global institutions that provide specialized healthcare, drive innovation, and serve as an advanced medical research and education hub. It is dedicated to developing medical technologies and elevating healthcare standards worldwide, forging partnerships with leading local, regional, and international institutions to deliver world-class services in clinical, research, and educational domains.
For the second year running, KFSH&RC has retained its status as the leading institution in the Kingdom and ranks 20th globally among the top 250 academic medical centers worldwide. It is also recognized as the most valuable healthcare brand in the Kingdom and the Middle East in 2024, according to Brand Finance, and has been ranked among the world's top 250 hospitals by Newsweek Magazine.
About King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre:
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre stands among the global leaders in providing specialized healthcare, driving innovation, and serving as an advanced medical research and education hub. Through strategic partnerships with prominent local, regional, and international institutions, the hospital is dedicated to advancing medical technologies and elevating healthcare standards worldwide.
The hospital has secured its position as the leading brand in the healthcare sector across the Kingdom and the Middle East, marking its second consecutive year as the most valuable healthcare brand. It ranks 9th within the Kingdom and 28th in the Middle East. The hospital distinguishes itself as the sole hospital globally to break into the top 10 brands in its country, as highlighted in two reports by “Brand Finance” on the 50 most valuable brands in Saudi Arabia and the 150 most valuable brands in the Middle East in 2024.
Due to the transformation programs and the Kingdom's Vision 2030, launched by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister - may God protect him - to enhance the Kingdom's leadership in the global healthcare sector, KFSH&RC has emerged as a leading Academic Medical Centre in the Middle East and Africa. It maintained its 20th rank globally for the second consecutive year in 2024, according to "Brand Finance." Additionally, it has been ranked among the top 250 hospitals globally in 2024 by the American magazine "Newsweek."
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Essam AlZahrani, Acting Head of Media Affairs, 0555254429
Mr. Abdullah Alown, Media Coordination Officer, 0556294232
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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