Preqin welcomes new Head of Sales
Appointment highlights unwavering business commitment to the region
LONDON, Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Preqin, the global leader in alternative assets data, tools, and insights, announced the appointment of Gurkan Tasoren to Head of Sales, Asia-Pacific (APAC), based in Singapore. Gurkan will connect clients with the best global and APAC data and insights available and drive strategic growth initiatives across the region.
Gurkan Tasoren brings over two decades of experience in the global fintech industry, including building data and sales functions in APAC at Bloomberg. With his extensive leadership, data and client expertise, Gurkan is set to become a trusted partner for Preqin’s customers and is well positioned to help them navigate the current challenging market conditions and evolving landscape. Gurkan will work with clients to enhance their access to information and workflow tools that ultimately help them make better decisions and investments.
With this latest addition to the APAC leadership team, Preqin continues to demonstrate its commitment to the region and the alternative assets community. Assets under management (AUM) in the APAC region have grown to $2.65 trillion over the past five years, representing a 140% increase, according to Preqin data. Furthermore, it remains a popular destination for venture capital, with the majority of 2023's deals taking place there*. Preqin has reflected this growth trajectory, continually strengthening its presence in the region to better serve the industry and support the region’s growing needs for alternative assets data and solutions. The business has well-established offices in all key markets in Asia with unrivaled, full-service data, client services, research and support teams on the ground. Since the establishment of the APAC headquarter in Singapore in 2010, offices have since opened in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Bangalore, Beijing, Guangzhou and Manila.
Preqin will remain focused on providing data on investors, fund managers and funds, improving regional performance benchmarks, continuing to grow its market-leading position in the private wealth space and providing industry-leading alternative asset research. Additionally, Preqin will be expanding its private company data and benchmarks, and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) solutions.
Christoph Knaack, CEO, at Preqin, says, “One of our key strengths as a business is how we foster strong and lasting relationships with our clients on an international scale. The expanding leadership presence in the Asian market demonstrates how critical it is to be close to our customers to truly understand their unique needs. We are delighted to welcome Gurkan as a highly experienced data and sales leader. He has consistently, throughout his impressive career, demonstrated a deep commitment to understanding the nuances across the APAC markets and ensuring a client-centric approach can be found at the heart of all commercial activities.”
Other recent senior appointments at Preqin include Fabien Chen, in the newly created role of Head of Benchmarks, based in Singapore. Fabien will play a pivotal role in further developing enhancements to the firm’s global benchmark solutions that currently cover private capital and asset-level performance. With unparalleled coverage spanning more than 50 years of fund performance data and 100,000 customizable alternatives benchmarks, these solutions allow investors, fund managers and industry participants with access to independent, reliable, and accurate performance data.
Additionally, Cameron Joyce, who was a Senior Vice President on Preqin’s Research Insights team since 2020, will now lead the team of expert researchers. The industry-leading institutional research provides more than 100 annual reports, like the “Future of Alts” market studies that are widely referenced, leveraging Preqin’s independent, data-driven view of the alternatives market, investor sentiment, private market valuations, fees and terms, and industry compensation. The valuable content and actionable insights mean readers are empowered to formulate their own perspectives and inform their investment decisions. Cameron previously worked in asset allocation, investment research and fund selection roles.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please get in touch with Mimi Celeste Taylor
Notes to editors
* Taken from APAC Q4 2023: Preqin Quarterly Update
About Preqin
Preqin, the Home of Alternatives™, empowers financial professionals who invest in or allocate to alternatives with essential data and insight to make confident decisions. It supports them throughout the entire investment lifecycle with critical information and leading analytics solutions. The company has pioneered rigorous methods of collecting private data for 20 years, enabling more than 200,000 professionals globally to streamline how they raise capital, source deals and investments, understand performance, and stay informed. For more information visit
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