Gov. Holcomb elevates Indiana to the world’s stage at Global Economic Summit
Governor, IEDC welcome industry, government and academic leaders from the global market to tackle most pressing worldwide issues
INDIANAPOLIS, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Governor Eric J. Holcomb kicked off the second Indiana Global Economic Summit today, welcoming international delegations from more than 30 countries and territories, business executives, academic and government leaders. The summit, hosted today through May 26, will convene thought leaders from around the globe to discuss the future of AI, national security, integrated health, global sports and more.
Gov. Holcomb delivered this morning’s opening address at the Indianapolis Convention Center. At the conclusion of the Summit, Gov. Holcomb and Indiana Secretary of Commerce David Rosenberg will host dignitaries and business leaders at the Indianapolis 500, which will shine a global spotlight on Indiana and its innovation in motorsports.
“This week, we’ve brought the world to Indiana, and I couldn’t be more excited for these next few days of important discussions,” said Gov. Holcomb. “The work we do this week at the second Indiana Global Economic Summit tees up years of productivity ahead. Together, with our home and away partners, we’re building the future economy and creating a better, more prosperous life for Hoosiers and all that we do business with.”
Roughly 800 people including 41 diplomatic delegations from 31 countries and territories are expected to participate.
Global leaders gathering at the Summit will discuss topics such as sustaining a creative economy in an AI future, navigating global trade winds, building supply chain resiliency in critical industries, and harnessing defense strategy and innovation in the face of global conflict. They will also conduct business-to-business matchmaking and discuss ways to address global challenges such as economic security and workforce.
Speakers include:
- Dave Ricks, Chair and CEO, Eli Lilly & Company
- Micael Johansson, President and CEO, Saab AB
- Ben Townsend, Global Head of Infrastructure & Sustainability, Google
- Kiva Allgood, Head of Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain, World Economic Forum
- Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S., Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S.
- Mel Raines, President and COO, Pacers Sports and Entertainment
- Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, U.S. Department of Energy
Additional featured speakers are listed here.
International delegations participating in the Summit include national and subnational delegations from the following countries and territories:
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Croatia
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- India
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Lithuania
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Netherlands
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Saudi Arabia
- Slovakia
- South Korea
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
“Building meaningful partnerships is what Indiana does best, and we are thrilled to welcome global leaders to Indiana this week as we celebrate our historic economic momentum and explore new ways to build our economy with like-minded partners,” said Sec. Rosenberg. “The Summit provides an opportunity for us to reach across borders and truly curate an intentional economy that will create lasting change for Indiana.”
This year’s summit comes on the heels of the first-ever Indiana Global Economic Summit hosted in May 2022, which convened more than 900 registrants from 30 countries and territories. 98% of 2022 survey respondents said they were more inclined after attending the summit to view Indiana as a leader in developing future innovations and in driving the economy of the future. More information on the Summit is available here.
About the Indiana Global Economic Summit Hosted by Governor Eric J. Holcomb and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, the 2024 Indiana Global Economic Summit is convening Indiana, U.S. and international decision makers to advance critical conversations, catalyze innovation and create opportunities for deeper economic and international cooperation. This event is strategically designed to connect leading voices and share global perspectives to shape next-generation innovation, industry and talent.
Erin Murphy Office of Governor Eric J. Holcomb 317-618-7635
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