The Sanborn Map Company
The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. Expands Global Presence with Launch of Sanborn Geophysics, ULC
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. is pleased to announce the establishment of its Canadian subsidiary, Sanborn Geophysics, ULC located just outside of Toronto. Sanborn Geophysics will focus on geophysical survey services and equipment sales, opening a new market to Sanborn.
With a commitment to advancing geospatial data collection and aerial survey capabilities, Sanborn Geophysics builds upon Sanborn's extensive geospatial data expertise. John Copple, CEO of Sanborn, remarked, "The creation of Sanborn Geophysics expands Sanborn’s already extensive geospatial data collection and aerial survey capabilities. We’re uniquely positioned to not only collect specialized data but to do so with our own state-of-the-art equipment."
Sanborn Geophysics was enabled by the purchase of assets from Nuvia Dynamics, Inc. Sanborn was also able to hire employees who have a proven track record in geophysics survey technology to staff Sanborn Geophysics. Some of Sanborn Geophysics employees have over 25 years of experience and previously worked for Nuvia Dynamics Inc (formerly known as Pico Envirotec Inc). Both prior companies have a distinguished record of accomplishment in developing geophysics survey technologies for mineral/oil exploration and geotechnical applications. Sanborn was supported by The Environmental Financial Consulting Group, LLC (EFCG). Terms were not disclosed.
"Sanborn Geophysics will create new opportunities for the company both domestically and internationally. This investment is to provide the best geospatial solutions for our clients," said Copple.
About The Sanborn Map Company:
Sanborn’s leadership in the creation of high-quality spatial data began in 1866. Today Sanborn is at the forefront of spatial data collection and technology innovation and committed to offering clients the best in comprehensive state-of-the-art geospatial solutions tailored to their situation. As one of the largest providers of end-to-end GIS products and services in the U.S., Sanborn offerings include: oblique imagery, ortho imagery, lidar, sonar, geophysical, and hyperspectral data and mapping, secure data storage and streaming from our own data center, spatial analytics, custom application development, GIS-IT strategic planning and technical consulting, commercial data and cloud platforms, Sanborn SAAS geospatial solutions, staff augmentation, and GIS program managed services. The Sanborn advantage is to help customers identify the right data and tech, and to create solutions that match their needs, budget, and system requirements. Sanborn’s ISO 9001:2015 certification is a further demonstration of its commitment to quality.
For Media Inquiries:
Tom Harrington Jr, PhD
Chief Marketing Officer
(617) 413 7057
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