Introducing Citeline’s TrialScope Disclose: Core Data
Clinical Trial Disclosure Solution Harmonizes Data Across Multiple Regions, Registries
NEW YORK, Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Submitting clinical trial disclosures across different regions can be a fragmented, cumbersome process. Citeline’s new TrialScope Disclose: Core Data is a unified registry submission platform that helps consolidate and streamline clinical trial disclosure processes.
TrialScope Disclose: Core Data features the required global data fields in a single form, allowing for one-time disclosure across multiple registries, including, CTIS and jRCT, with more registries being added in the near future. Core Data eliminates duplicate data entry across registries, streamlining the review/approval process for senior staff and ensuring consistency and efficiency, while its built-in validations and compliance checks reduce risks.
“Managing clinical trial disclosures across multiple registries is often done in a piecemeal fashion, leaving the process open to errors and inconsistencies that can lead to noncompliance,” says David Laky, General Manager, Clinical & Regulatory, Citeline. “TrialScope Disclose: Core Data allows for approval and submission from a single source of truth, helping to simplify, harmonize and accelerate the clinical trial disclosure process.”
TrialScope Disclose has been the leader in helping clinical trial sponsors prepare their studies for public disclosure for over a decade. With the addition of the Core Data platform, TrialScope Disclose continues to provide cutting-edge disclosure technology to enable seamless regulatory compliance.
Learn more about Citeline’s TrialScope Disclose.
About Citeline
Citeline, a Norstella company, powers a full suite of complementary business intelligence offerings to meet the evolving needs of life science professionals to accelerate the connection of treatments to patients and patients to treatments. These patient-focused solutions and services deliver and analyze data used to drive clinical, commercial, and regulatory-related decisions and create real-world opportunities for growth.
Citeline’s global teams of analysts, journalists, and consultants keep their fingers on the pulse of the pharmaceutical, biomedical and medtech industries, covering it all with expert insights: key diseases, clinical trials, drug R&D and approvals, market forecasts, and more. For more information on one of the world’s most trusted health science partners, visit Citeline and follow on LinkedIn and X.
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Diffusion PR for Citeline
(213) 318-4500
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