SCHMID Group Takes Next Step Towards Advanced Packaging for Integrated Circuits with Glass Cores
- Together with partners, the SCHMID Advanced Integrated Circuit (IC) Packaging Lab Solution is currently the sole supplier for full TGV lab with all process steps necessary to turn a bare glass substrate into an Advanced IC Package.
- The main beneficiaries today are the fast-growing AI and data center sectors but soon after, we see glass cores expanding into any high-speed computing application, for example automotive applications.
- Based on decades of experience in glass processing and substrate manufacturing, sourcing from our 3000 sqm unique world-class laboratory located at our headquarters in Freudenstadt, Germany – SCHMID has developed the capability to produce and metallize glass cores, as well as the redistribution layers on both sides.
FREUDENSTADT, Germany, May 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Today, SCHMID Group N.V. (Nasdaq: SHMD) announces taking next step towards advanced packaging for integrated circuits with glass cores. Together with partners, the SCHMID Advanced IC Packaging Lab Solution is currently the sole supplier for full TGV lab with all process steps necessary to turn a bare glass substrate into an Advanced Integrated Circuit (IC) Package.
The Industry Challenge:
The need for more powerful and efficient chips to unlock the future of Artificial Intelligence and next-generation devices is massive. With innovation cycles outpacing Moore’s law and chip architecture needing to go 3D with more complex features – SCHMID’s Advanced IC Packaging solution helps to unlock what is possible for the Electronics industry.
Advanced IC Packaging has become a massive challenge for Semiconductor companies to overcome. Complexities from integrated chip designs are developing in a way that semiconductor chips are only optimized for their special task, paired with unique manufacturing needs and production technology.
The chiplet then takes over the position and role to connect these single, optimized chips, based on the best available powerline and “highway” for signals. The challenge for these expanded requirements is manifold. First, large substrate sizes with increased chiplet sizes at the same time. Also, the need for smaller feature sizes, higher signal integrity, better thermal management and combined with the introduction of new materials.
Current Market Trend:
One current market trend is the introduction of glass cores in advanced packaging, which will take major market share from the traditional organic core as well as the traditional silicon-based applications. The idea of moving to glass core has started a new diversification in the supply chain enhancing the resilience and flexibility of the semiconductor industry.
The main beneficiaries today are the fast-growing AI and data center sectors but soon after, we also see glass cores expanding into any high-speed computing application, for example automotive applications.
SCHMID Solution:
Based on decades of experience in glass processing and substrate manufacturing, sourcing from our 3000 sqm unique world-class laboratory located at our headquarters in Freudenstadt, Germany – SCHMID has developed the capability to produce and metallize glass cores, as well as the redistribution layers on both sides. The SCHMID R&D center has the capability to add this full build up “fan out” layer on top based on the standard Semi Additive process (SAP), or with the most advance, SCHMID invented, ET (Embedded Traces) process. This gives customers and partners of SCHMID the unique opportunity to develop and sample full format packages substrates up to 24*24” with glass core thickness ranging from 200µm to 1.1mm comprising high aspect ratio through holes.
All the machines used are based on high volume manufacturing platforms and can be quickly expand to mass volume production. The installed pilot line is also offered to key customers to expand their R&D capability and interlink it with SCHMID`s own R&D activities to increase speed further.
SCHMID Expertise in Glass:
SCHMID has provided glass processing solutions to the PV, anti-glare and display industry for many years. Glass cleaning and etching of ultra-thin glasses including FOUP based automation is within the SCHMID standard machine portfolio. High aspect ratio through glass via formation requires a wide knowledge base for using the right laser and etching parameters for the different types of glasses as well as a profound electro plating experience for a void free through hole copper filling and planarization. All of this has been developed by SCHMID over the last years and will be provided along with the lab solution.
SCHMID Embedded Trace (ET):
Glass cores have the advantage of offering the required planarity and thermal stability to enable the required size reduction and layer-to-layer registration accuracy. However, this accuracy needs to be matched be the layer build up technology, too. The SCHMID ET process is the next generation of sequential build up production technology, offering not only a planar surface for each layer, but also the access to a new via formation, that does not use laser drilling, which in-return provides miniaturization of materials with much higher resilience and tolerance, as well as signal integrity capabilities.
The new SCHMID glass core substrate lab also includes the machine platforms that guide the SCHMID process to realize the next generation of ABF (Ajinomoto Build Up Films) based fan out.
“Depending on the final IC package, the material selection and process a customer could need may differ. Speed and process flexibility are now the main crucial elements to success,” explains Christian Schmid, CEO of the SCHMID Group, further adding, “Our SCHMID lab & pilot solution offers both and enables our customers to scale for high volume production quickly.”
Together with partners, SCHMID is currently the sole supplier for full TGV lab with all process steps necessary to turn a bare glass substrate into an advanced IC package.
Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those set forth in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company’s registration statement and final prospectus for the offering filed with the SEC. Copies are available on the SEC’s website, The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.
About SCHMID Group N.V.:
The SCHMID Group N.V. (Nasdaq: SHMD) is a world-leading global solutions provider for the high-tech electronic, photovoltaics, glass, and energy systems industries, with its parent company Gebr. SCHMID GmbH is based in Freudenstadt, Germany. Founded in 1864, today it employs more than 800 staff members worldwide, and has technology centers and manufacturing sites in multiple locations including Germany and China, in addition to several sales and service locations globally. The Group focuses on developing customized equipment and process solutions for multiple industries including electronics, renewables, and energy storage. The Group’s system and process solutions for the manufacture of substrates, printed circuit boards and other electrical components ensure the highest technology levels, high yields with low production costs, maximized efficiency, quality, and sustainability in green production processes. Learn more at
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