World No Tobacco Day: Addressing the "Misperception Epidemic"
GENEVA, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - On this World No Tobacco Day, the World Vapers Alliance (WVA) is shedding light on the rampant misperception epidemic around tobacco harm reduction. As revealed by Ipsos research for the think tank, We are Innovation, a staggering 74% of smokers worldwide mistakenly believe that vaping is as harmful or more harmful than smoking. This widespread misunderstanding is the result of misinformation and costs lives, as millions of smokers waver on making the switch to a scientifically proven, 95% less harmful alternative product.
"World No Tobacco Day is a crucial opportunity to combat misinformation and promote effective harm reduction strategies," said Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers Alliance. "Instead of blindly fighting against safer nicotine alternatives, the WHO should be championing them as the key to a smoke-free future."
Sweden has set a remarkable precedent by embracing harm reduction. The country is on the verge of becoming smoke-free, not by banning safer nicotine products but by endorsing them. Sweden's success should serve as a model for global tobacco harm reduction strategies. The World Health Organization (WHO) should take note and adapt its current approach, which is failing.
Landl added, "The WHO is missing the mark by targeting vaping and other safer nicotine products instead of focusing on the real threat – smoking. By fighting those products, they are keeping smokers from making the switch. This is not just misguided, it's dangerous."
The misperception that vaping is equally harmful as smoking is a public health crisis in itself. Evidence from numerous studies, including comprehensive reviews by Public Health England, confirms that vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking.
"We are facing a misperception epidemic and the WHO is part of the problem by spreading further misconceptions," Landl stated. "Accurate information is the cornerstone of effective public health policy. We must ensure that smokers have access to the truth about safer alternatives. Facts over lies!”
The World Vapers Alliance is calling on health authorities and the WHO to reevaluate their stance on harm reduction and to prioritize facts over fear. It is essential to support policies that promote safer alternatives to smoking rather than vilifying them.
In conjunction with these efforts, the WVA organized a protest in front of the WHO headquarters on World Vape Day, May 30th.
This demonstration aimed to compel the WHO to finally listen to consumers and acknowledge the scientific evidence in support of vaping, nicotine pouches and similar products as valid harm-reduction tools. It is high time the World Health Organization acknowledge reality, embrace science and help move the world toward a healthier future. Turns out, it's as easy as giving people more choices, not less.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Michael Landl
Director of the World Vapers' Alliance
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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