Galderma Celebrates 25 Years of Excellence in Biostimulation With Sculptra® at the 2024 IMCAS
– Galderma reaffirms its dedication to continued Sculptra innovation and scientific advancement, exploring Sculptra’s regenerative properties and potential use in non-facial treatment areas –
ZUG, Switzerland -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Galderma, the emerging pure-play dermatology category leader, is proud to celebrate 25 years of Sculptra®, which enjoys the trust of healthcare professionals and unmatched patient satisfaction. Sculptra is the first and original biostimulator, with a unique PLLA-SCA™ formulation that activates the skin’s natural power to revitalize collagen production for a more youthful appearance.
Sculptra has a unique journey in the aesthetics industry, originating as a volume replenishment treatment in 1999 to improve the life of AIDS patients experiencing facial wasting.1 Sculptra’s applications have evolved over the years to become the multifaceted treatment that it is today. As Galderma’s research and understanding of Sculptra’s unique mode of action and dermatological potential has progressed, Sculptra’s applications have expanded from volumization to include skin firmness, structural support, radiance and overall skin quality. Treatment results last for over two years2 thanks to Sculptra’s unique and proprietary ingredient, PLLA-SCA™, which addresses the root causes of skin aging.
In partnership with leading aesthetic healthcare professionals, Galderma developed the AART™ (Anatomy, Assessment, Range and Treatment) methodology. to create individualized treatments. These treatments are built on patients’ underlying anatomy, a thorough facial assessment and product selection, combined with appropriate injection skills. Leveraging the AART methodology, Sculptra can be further tailored to achieve multiple outcomes according to patients' specific needs, while applying a comprehensive and global approach to skin and overall well-being.
Building on the extensive body of evidence on Sculptra’s mode of action and proven long-lasting efficacy and safety profile, the latest research presented at IMCAS 2024 unveils new potential avenues for Sculptra.
“Sculptra has a unique usage history in the aesthetic industry, one that has continually increased in synergy with our ongoing research.
Recent research shows that, in addition to the well-known collagen stimulation, Sculptra’s PLLA-SCA™ has an effect on more components of the extracellular matrix, including elastin,3 indicating regenerative properties.4 New posters presented at IMCAS also showed that PLLA-SCA™ was well tolerated when Sculptra was used to treat non-facial areas. In addition, Sculptra was studied as a potential treatment for the appearance of cellulite, showing results such as improvement in 100% of subjects, in both thighs, at Months 2, 6, and 12,5 and patients’ rapid return to daily activities.
About Sculptra
Sculptra is the original biostimulator and is clinically proven to stimulate the skin's innate collagen (type I) production to increase skin firmness and radiance, for long-lasting, natural-looking rejuvenated appearance. Sculptra is proven to increase collagen type I by 66.5% after 3 months6 through a process that starts stimulation as early as 5 days after injection. It helps progressively restore the skin’s foundation and natural structural function. Sculptra is proven to achieve natural-looking results that last for more than 2 years.7 Sculptra provides targeted collagen stimulation, with unique treatment protocols developed for each treatment area and to achieve the patients’ desired results.
About Galderma
Galderma is the emerging pure-play dermatology category leader, present in approximately 90 countries. We deliver an innovative, science-based portfolio of premium flagship brands and services that span the full spectrum of the fast-growing dermatology market though Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology. Since our foundation in 1981, we have dedicated our focus and passion to the human body’s largest organ – the skin – meeting individual consumer and patient needs with superior outcomes in partnership with healthcare professionals. Because we understand that the skin we are in shapes our lives, we are advancing dermatology for every skin story. For more information:
1 Douglas Mest, M. a. a. G. H. M., 2010. [Online]. Available at:
2 Snyder, A., 2023. [Online]. Available at:
3 Christine Guarnieri Munia, M. a. M. M. M. M. S. M. M. P. M. a. L. E. A. M., 2023. [Online]. Available at:
4 Jill Waibel, A randomized, comparative study describing the gene signatures of poly-llactic acid (PLLA-SCA) and calcium hydroxylapaptite (CaHA) in the treatment of nasolabial folds. IMCAS 2024 poster
5 Sachin M Shridharani 1, G. M. T. 1. T. G. E. 2. T. N. M. 2. C. E. 3., 2021. [Online]. Available at:
6 Goldberg D, Guana A, Volk A, Daro-Kaftan E. Single-arm study for the characterization of human tissue response to injectable poly-L-lactic acid. Dermatol Surg. 2013;39(6):915-922.
7 Fabi S. Poster presented at AMWC 2023.
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