彰显中国榜样 时代楷模 访中国非遗清宫御膳传人 中国御膳大师廖成前老师
彰显中国榜样 时代楷模
Highlight the Chinese role model and the role model of The Times Visit the descendants of Chinese intangible cultural heritage The Chinese imperial cuisine master Liao Chengqian teacher
廖成前 高级技师、国际烹饪大师、中国御膳大师、中国烹饪大师,高级酒店职业经理人, 中国饮食文化传承大师,酒店管理专家,国际大赛一级评委 中国非遗清宫御宴传承人,高级健康管理师,国际文化大使
Liao Cheng, a former senior technician, international cooking master, master of Chinese imperial cuisine master, Chinese cooking master, senior hotel professional manager, master of Chinese food culture inheritance, hotel management expert, first-class judge of international competition, Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Qing Palace royal banquet inheritor, senior health manager, international cultural ambassador
Currently: Vice President of the International Hotel Cuisine Association Expert member of expert Committee of Chinese Food Culture Research Association China Catering management Research Institute kitchen administration management expert consultant Yongxing catering network special consultant Senior Director of the International Hotel Industry Committee Bai Liang Catering Management Co., LTD Fuyu Investment Group executive chef, production director Search chef apprentice chef training technical consultant Celebrity encyclopedia industry pioneer figure database specially invited consultant
1994年 毕业于重庆正旭饮食学院烹饪系。
2006年 “国际食神争霸赛”获个人金奖。
2006年 青岛啤酒“国际美食节” 国际烹饪大赛荣获个人组两枚金牌。
2007年 被录入《中国当代名厨》、《厨神经典》,并被评为 “国际烹饪艺术大师”。中国金榜名厨。
2007年 国际搜厨大赛特金奖。
In 1994, he graduated from Chongqing Zhengxu Catering College.
In 1999, Chongqing food Festival won the gold medal of individual hot food group.
In 2005. In 2005, I obtained the diploma of hotel Management adult in China.
In 2006, the international Food God competition won the individual gold medal.
In 2006, Qingdao Beer "International Food Festival" international cooking competition won two gold MEDALS in the individual group.
In 2007, he was recorded as "Chinese Contemporary Famous Chef" and "Kitchen God Classic", and was rated as "International Cooking Art Master". China's top chef.
2007 international Search kitchen Competition special gold medal.
In 2007, he was awarded the title of "Green Catering Image Ambassador".
2008 Sino-US-Canada International Cooking Competition Special Gold Award.
In 2009, he was recorded as "30 Years of China's Reform and Opening up" and was awarded as outstanding Youth in catering
2010年 获得 中国烹饪大师证书。
In 2010, he obtained the Chinese Cooking Master certificate.
In 2011, he won the title of China Hotel Management Expert
In 2013, he obtained the national Senior Technician Qualification certificate
In 2014, it won the General Manager Management Innovation Award of the Top ten Hotels
In 2015, he won the Gold Award of Excellent Professional Manager of China Hotel
In 2015, it was recorded into the health Cuisine classics of Contemporary Cooking Artists.
In 2015, he was recorded into the "Chinese Cuisine Master Dishes Collection" and participated
in the chief editor 2016 was recorded in "Beijing Contemporary Famous Chef"
In 2016, he was awarded as the Master of Chinese food culture inheritance
In 2016, it won the National Golden Kitchen Award National senior health manager
in 2017 In 2018, he was appointed as the deputy chief judge and chief supervisor of the catering conference jointly organized by Guizhou Provincial government, municipal government and Search kitchen network, and was awarded China's Top ten Gold Chef, China's Top ten Catering planner, China's Catering Achievement Award
In 2019, he was appointed as the deputy chief judge and the general commander of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
In 2019, it was awarded the China Catering Achievement Award
In 2019, it won the Outstanding Contribution Award of Chinese Catering
In 2020, it was awarded the top ten gold medal planner of Chinese catering
In 2021, it was recorded into 34 catering culture series in China and hired as the deputy editor-in-chief of this book
In 2022, Tianjin Da Cup (a leading restaurant figure in China) ranked the fourth overall, and was rated as the top ten leading restaurant figures in China
In 2023, it was selected on the cover of 8 countries
In 2023, he was selected as the outstanding Person of the New Era overseas exhibition, and his deeds were shown in Times Square, New York and rated as international cultural Ambassador
In 2023, his deeds were recorded into the book China, and reported by CCTV, Xinhuanet, People's Daily Online and other media Won the second place
in the 2023 Asian Catering Character selection
In 2024, he was appointed as the chief referee of the 14th Kitchen Search International Competition
In 2024, he was hired as the technical consultant of the chef training of the search chef
In 2024, his deeds was included in the book "Red Flag of the Republic- - - -Excellent Sons and daughters in history", and was hired as an honorary consultant
In 2024, his deeds was included in the book "Model figures of Traditional Intangible Heritage Revitalization", and was rated as a new model of traditional craft
In 2024, he was recorded into the database of celebrity encyclopedia industry pioneers and was employed as a special guest consultant
Its deeds by CCTV online network, China communication network, capital Windows network, people's headlines, China network, xinhua information network, China information network, public focus network, Oriental express, China news online, Chinese daily, Chinese characters, Beijing, China development network, China PR news, the new era pioneer, Chinese celebrity network, China news broadcast network, window of the world, Beijing news, people's news, global network, global headlines network, CCTV news network, baidu, sohu, phoenix network, tencent, today's headlines, and other media reported at the same time.
Communicate with well-known experts and teachers and take group photos:
I from Beijing hotel executive chef top state host Zheng Xiusheng old man and the head zhou jin, under the two teacher carefully taught my technology and management to a higher level, in this gratitude, but also got a lot of food predecessors many teaching, is my strength greatly improved, greatly grateful, I will continue to work hard, not old man's house and catering predecessors expectations, carry forward the Chinese catering.
I used to serve as many high-end hotels, clubs, chain catering administrative chef, director and other positions. I have rich experience in production design, packaging, kitchen management, opening preparation, landing design and catering operation.
Display of the honors received:
I am good at: government cuisine, court cuisine, Manchu and Han banquet, Tan family cuisine, molecular creative fusion cuisine, all through Sichuan and Hunan cuisine.
Management expertise: hotel management, opening preparation, production design, food research and development, quantitative management, 7S landing management guidance and training, 4D landing management and training, chain catering operation management, catering event planning, hotel publicity and packaging planning, etc.
联系电话:17731259129 13521489501
Contact number: 17731259129 13521489501
Microsignal: liao197700
E-mail address: chefliao@163.com
Enterprise website: wwww.huangjiayuyan.com
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