C.K. McWhorter Introduces Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection: Elevating Luxury Hospitality with
GENEVA, March 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - McWhorter Family Office, in collaboration with Carter Kennedy Equity Partners, proudly announces the launch of the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection, setting a new standard in luxury health and wellness experiences. Rooted in innovation and dedicated to holistic well-being, this transformative project represents the epitome of refined hospitality.
Elevating Luxury Health & Wellness:
Scheduled to commence development in 2024, the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection promises to redefine luxury hospitality by seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art wellness facilities with opulent accommodations. This visionary project is poised to attract discerning individuals from across the globe seeking to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being in an unparalleled setting of luxury and exclusivity.
A Fusion of Luxury, Innovation, & Holistic Health:
At the heart of the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection lies a commitment to excellence and distinction. Each meticulously curated chateau will offer a bespoke wellness journey tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of its elite clientele. From world-class spa treatments to personalized wellness programs designed by top-tier therapists, guests will embark on a transformative journey towards their next level of evolution.
A Haven for the Elite:
Designed to cater to the most discerning individuals, the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection will serve as a sanctuary for NBA players, Formula 1 drivers, business executives, elite families, and esteemed individuals seeking the ultimate in luxury and well-being. With a roster of exclusive amenities and services, including access to top chefs, renowned therapists, and cutting-edge audiovisual teams, guests will embark on a holistic journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Empowering Success Through Wellness:
Embedded within each chateau will be visionary videos and content aimed at mental programming for success, crafted by leading experts in neurology, psychology, and wellness. These immersive experiences will harness the power of audiovisual technology to inspire, motivate, and empower guests to unlock their full potential and achieve their loftiest aspirations.
A Commitment to Social Impact:
As part of McWhorter Foundation's commitment to social impact, a portion of proceeds from the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection will be dedicated to supporting initiatives that advance healthcare, economic opportunity, and community development. By leveraging the power of luxury hospitality for positive social change, the Ultra-Elite Wellness Chateau Collection will leave a lasting legacy of wellness, prosperity, and philanthropy.
Join Us on the Journey:
McWhorter Family Office and Carter Kennedy Equity Partners invite discerning individuals worldwide to join them on this transformative journey towards elevated well-being and unparalleled luxury. Together, we will redefine the meaning of wellness and hospitality, setting new standards for excellence and distinction in the elite lifestyle landscape.
For media inquiries and further information, please contact:
Media Contact:
Tyler Wells
VP Public relations
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