Pre-Owned Business Jets Selling 45% Faster Since 2019, Reveals Annual Jetcraft Market Forecast
Jetcraft’s 10th edition predicts 10,307 transactions totaling $70.7B in revenue
Business aircraft are spending less time for sale than ever before, according to the latest edition of the Pre-Owned Business Jet Market Forecast by Jetcraft, the global leader in business aircraft sales, acquisitions and trades.
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The report shows that in 2022-2023, aircraft spent an average of 129 days on the market compared to 233 days in 2018-2019, driven by unprecedented post-pandemic demand. Furthermore, the data affirms that the industry is in a much-needed market correction period, with a dip in both volume and value in 2023. However, ongoing transaction volumes are similar to 2019 levels, while values remain higher than the pre-pandemic peak, with an expected 59% increase in total transaction value between 2019 and 2028.
Chad Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Jetcraft, says: “For the first time, we’re including an analysis of market dynamics in the Pre-Owned Business Jet Market Forecast. As our data shows, since 2022 the number of days an aircraft spends on the market has decreased by almost half – due to borders opening and international travel resuming, along with buyers making faster, more emotional purchase decisions due to increased demand. We expect transaction rates will settle at this new level, even with more inventory available, culminating in a total forecast revenue of $15.6B annually by 2028.”
Among the report’s key findings is a continued rise in younger buyers, with 28% of Jetcraft buyers now aged under 45 years old (a 14% increase since 2019), averaging $13M per transaction. The Middle East and Africa boast the greatest proportion of younger buyers, due to the growth of UHNWIs in these regions.
Jahid Fazal-Karim, Owner and Chairman of the Board, Jetcraft, adds: “Our data has gone from strength to strength since the Market Forecast’s inception in 2015. We were the first to report the rise in buyers under 45 as a contributing factor to the growth of our industry and this demographic continues to be influential. Their market share has almost doubled since 2015, caused by a shift in generational wealth and the continued rise of billionaires in the tech space.
“As Jetcraft evolves, so too does our expertise in analyzing and interpreting the data, allowing us to make increasingly accurate predictions for the years ahead and provide deep analysis of the trends driving our dynamic industry.”
For full graphs, download the Pre-Owned Business Jet Market Forecast here.
About Jetcraft
More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For over 60 years Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 90+ dedicated aviation specialists across 30+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions and trading at the speed of life.
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