Mediktor Acquires Sensely and Consolidates Its Position as a Leader in AI Healthcare Solutions
BARCELONA, Spain and SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mediktor, the leading digital healthcare company, has announced the acquisition of Sensely, a San Francisco-based digital healthcare provider that pioneered an empathy-driven conversational platform to support hospital systems and insurance services with world-class member engagement. This consolidation of two world-leading artificial intelligence-driven solutions providers marks a major medical technology milestone, extending Mediktor’s global presence to more than 35 countries and expanding its footprint in the United States.
The merger creates one of the largest global providers of AI-based solutions in the healthcare ecosystem. The new organisation will be driven by an enriched conversational healthcare platform to help increase efficiency and reduce costs through its complementary technologies, including the company's AI medical assistant. According to a recent survey of insurance customers, 54% of patients who used it were satisfied with the medical advice it provided and did not need additional services or follow-up from a physician.
"This acquisition is a transformative step for Mediktor, reinforcing our commitment to digital health innovation. By joining forces with Sensely, we will be able to offer a leading, best-in-class AI solution to multiple companies, ultimately improving access to healthcare for millions of people," said Cristian Pascual, Chief Executive Officer of Mediktor.
As a result of the integration, Mediktor will acquire Mayo Clinic's educational healthcare content developed under a pre-existing agreement with Sensely. Mayo Clinic will also become a shareholder in the combined company and will have an observer seat on the board of directors.
MTIP, a leading Swiss-based growth equity firm and long-time partner of Mediktor, has reaffirmed its confidence in the company's vision and direction. As a member of Mediktor's Board of Directors, MTIP has communicated its unwavering financial and strategic support for the company's acquisition of Sensely and its overall growth strategy.
At the same time, Aliath Bioventures, a venture capital firm that has been supporting Mediktor since 2018, also played a significant role in facilitating this acquisition. Aliath remains deeply committed to supporting Mediktor’s strategic growth, strengthening its market leadership, and long-term success.
"Mediktor and Sensely represent the perfect synergy between AI-based symptom assessment and empathy-driven, patient-centric virtual assistance," said Adam Odessky, co-founder and CEO of Sensely. "The combination of these two organisations provides customers with a strong, comprehensive suite of technology services that are proven to increase efficiency and reduce overhead costs for institutions, while delivering unparalleled personalised engagement services to patients and plan members. We're excited to share Mediktor's vision of becoming a leading player in an evolving and competitive digital healthcare environment.
Mediktor plans to integrate Sensely's current staff and management team into the new organisation, with Mr. Odessky taking on the role of Chief Product Officer, bringing his extensive experience and leadership to the team.
About Mediktor
Mediktor is the most advanced AI-based medical chatbot for triage and pre-diagnosis, guiding patients to the right level of care at the right time - improving access while enabling more efficient care navigation. Powered by a sophisticated AI engine that allows users to converse naturally in multiple languages, Mediktor's white-labelled SaaS is omnichannel and can be easily embedded into any interface (web, mobile, desktop). Mediktor's customers include health plans, hospitals and health systems, telemedicine and pharmaceutical companies. For further information please visit
About Sensely
Sensely is a leading innovator of avatar- and chatbot-based platforms designed to assist insurance plan members and patients with insurance services and healthcare resources whenever they need them. With offices in San Francisco and London, Sensely's global teams provide virtual assistant solutions to a range of diverse healthcare sectors, including insurance companies, hospital systems and pharmaceutical clients worldwide. For more information, please visit
About MTIP
MTIP is a Swiss-based growth equity firm investing in European healthtech companies that aim to revolutionise global healthcare. The team leverages deep sector expertise to help scale up successful and sustainable healthtech businesses. For more information, visit
About Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, formerly known as Alta Life Sciences, is a life sciences venture capital firm part of the AltamarCAM group. Aliath aims to provide solutions to the most pressing healthcare challenges by targeting therapeutics and HealthTech companies built on innovative and disruptive trends. For more information visit
Media Relations Contact
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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