YeePay Expands Global Footprint Through ITB Berlin 2024
YeePay executives exchanged ideas with major European travel industry brands, such as Travelsoft, to explore ways to increase business efficinency.
BERLIN, March 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YeePay, a leading enterprise payment solutions provider, held an extensive business development & investigation journey in Germany to meet with major airlines, hotels, OTAs, DMCs, TMCs, travel technology providers, and all tourism enterprises worldwide. Additionally, the company made an appearance at ITB Berlin 2024 to showcase the benefits of its payment solutions to global airlines and travel businesses. These initiatives fuel YeePay's overarching strategy in developing its global reach and innovation in payment solutions for the global airlines and travel industry.
"Our meetings with the world's major airline and travel players represent a crucial step in connecting the world with our reliable payment system," said Chen Yu, Co-founder, and President of YeePay. "By holding open dialogues with experts at ITB Berlin 2024, we exchanged valuable insights into future trends, innovation, and market demands of tomorrow’s tourism industry. This will not only enhance our domestic services but also set a foundation for success in our plans to expand internationally. Working with our partners worldwide, we can find new ways to win together and making travel more enjoyable."
As one of China's largest trading partners, Europe is a strategic growth market for YeePay. The region is the second-largest aviation transportation market after Asia. To realize the market potential, YeePay aims to explore new collaboration opportunities with prominent players in the global airlines and travel industry, including Lufthansa Innovation Hub, Omio, Traffics, TUI Group, and many others. The rich experiences of these trusted travel companies can assist YeePay in growing together with tourism enterprises across the world, reducing their business friction and adding value to their services.
YeePay’s proven cross-border and domestic transaction solutions offer clear advantages for the global airlines and travel business. The company’s payment services have been adopted by all airlines in China. Additionally, YeePay has established an extensive network of over 10,000 Chinese online travel agencies, enabling secure, convenient, and cost-effective global B2B account network for real-time settlements.
Moreover, YeePay’s participation in ITB Berlin 2024, a leading trade fair for the travel industry, was crucial to fostering new relationships with more industry leaders and experts. This appearance follows on the heel of YeePay's participation in ITB Asia 2023 in Singapore, where the company first showcased its global airline and travel account transaction service capabilities.
These initiatives represent major milestones in YeePay’s long-term global expansion strategy. In the near future, the company aims to fill the gap in transactional needs in broader global markets, including East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas, and more.
About YeePay
Established in 2003, YeePay is one of the leading payment service providers in China. The company provides total payment solutions for the enterprise, integrating multiple payment channels including online, mobile and offline in the frontend, and streamlining settlement processes in the backend. YeePay's key advantage is customized solutions and value-added services for industry verticals including airline and travel, new retail, Internet finance, administration and education, cross-border etc. YeePay holds the payment license from People's Bank of China and the cross-border license from State Administration of Foreign Exchange. For more information on YeePay please visit
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