Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Accepts GCA Local Adaptation Champions Award
GCA CEO's official visit to Bangladesh paves way for enhanced collaborations for climate resilience.
Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina graciously accepted the Global Center on Adaptation's Local Adaptation Champions Award from GCA CEO Professor Patrick V. Verkooijen today, on the occasion of his official visit to Bangladesh.
Bangladesh, the first government to receive the global Local Adaptation Champions Award, won in the Innovation in Devolving Finance category for the Local Government Initiative on Climate Change (LoGIC). Implemented by the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-Operatives, Government of Bangladesh, LoGIC provides a mechanism for accessing and managing climate finance from various sources, a platform for sharing best practices and lessons learned, and a system for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness and impact.
“I am deeply honored to accept this prestigious award on behalf of the Government and people of Bangladesh, whose unwavering resilience and innovative spirit have always guided us through natural adversities,” declared Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. “This recognition underscores our commitment to sustainable development and climate resilience, and we are grateful for the Global Center on Adaptation's invaluable support in our journey towards a prosperous and resilient future.”
H.E. Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary of the United Nations and Chairperson of the Board of the GCA, lauded Prime Minister Hasina, stating: “Once again, Bangladesh stands at the forefront of supporting the most climate-vulnerable populations, demonstrating leadership in channelling essential climate finance to those in dire need.”
Professor Verkooijen added “The GCA's Global Hub on Locally Led Adaptation, inaugurated by Her Excellency Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 2022, is dedicated to amplifying the voices of the most vulnerable. The insights and ownership in their locally led People's Adaptation Plans are invaluable for guiding international financial institutions. At GCA we are supporting the scaling up of such initiatives and linking them to larger funding sources. We know for climate action to be effective it must prioritize protecting those living on the frontlines of our climate emergency.”
Professor Verkooijen also welcomed the offer from Her Excellency Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to establish a permanent GCA regional office in Bangladesh embodying the latest climate resilient technology and design.
During his two-day official visit from June 9-10, 2024, Professor Verkooijen visited Chattogram to engage with local communities supported by the GCA. These communities are developing People's Adaptation Plans to inform investments by the World Bank-supported Chattogram Water Supply Improvement Project (CWSIP). He met with residents of Nobab Khan Colony and Razakhali Beribadh Colony, low-income communities severely impacted by water scarcity, flooding, heat, and disease caused by water salinity and contamination, and rising vector populations. GCA's initiatives in Bangladesh are funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Global Affairs Canada.
Professor Verkooijen also held discussions with Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmud Ali and Environment Secretary Dr. Farhina Ahmed. These meetings focused on strengthening partnerships to advocate for the doubling of climate finance by 2025 and exploring new avenues for climate adaptation projects in Bangladesh.
Notes to Editors
About the Global Center on Adaptation
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization dedicated to promoting adaptation to the impacts of climate change. It works to climate-proof development by instigating policy reforms and influencing investments made by international financial institutions and the private sector. The goal is to place climate adaptation at the forefront of the global climate change agenda. Founded in 2018, GCA embodies innovation in its approach to climate adaptation and operates from the largest floating office in the world, located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. GCA has a worldwide network of regional offices in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Beijing, China. A new office will open in Nairobi, Kenya in 2025.
Alexandra Gee
Global Center on Adaptation
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