Acronis Expands its Security Offering Beyond Endpoint Protection with New Extended Detection and Res
Acronis XDR delivers complete, natively integrated, and highly efficient cybersecurity built for MSPs
SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Acronis, a global leader in cybersecurity and data protection, is pleased to introduce Acronis Advanced Security + XDR the newest addition to the company’s security solution portfolio. Easy to deploy, manage, and maintain, Acronis XDR expands on the current endpoint detection and response (EDR) offering and delivers complete natively integrated, highly efficient cybersecurity with data protection, endpoint management, and automated recovery specifically built for managed service providers (MSPs).
Cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated due to cybercriminals deploying AI and attack surfaces expanding, allowing businesses to be more vulnerable to data breaches and malware. To protect their customers, MSPs who offer security services commonly only have a choice of complex tools with insufficient, incomplete protection that are expensive and time-consuming to deploy and maintain. As a direct response to these challenges, Acronis XDR is the solution providing complete protection without high costs and added complexity.
“Acronis makes a compelling entrance into XDR,” notes Chris Kissel, Research Vice-President at IDC. “Acronis has provided an endpoint protection platform for the better part of a year. They have extended their XDR stack mapping alerts to MITRE ATTACK and offer cloud correlation detections. Importantly, their platform supports multitenancy, and the dashboard provides intuitive visualizations.”
Key features and benefits of Acronis XDR include:
- Native integration across cybersecurity, data protection, and endpoint management. The product is designed to protect vulnerable attack surfaces enabling unmatched business continuity.
- High efficiency, with the ability to easily launch, manage, scale, and deliver security services. It also includes AI-based incident analysis and single-click response for swift investigation and response.
- Built for MSPs, including a single agent and console for all services, and a customizable platform to integrate additional tools into a unified technology stack.
“It is imperative that MSPs provide reliable cybersecurity to customers with diverse IT environments and constrained budgets,” said Gaidar Magdanurov, President at Acronis. “Acronis XDR enables MSPs to offer top-notch security without the complexity and significant overhead of traditional non-integrated tools. This is achieved in several ways, including AI-assisted capabilities within the Acronis solution that helps MSPs provide the utmost cybersecurity - even if an MSP only has limited cybersecurity expertise.”
Earlier this year, the company released Acronis MDR powered by Novacoast, a simple, effective, and advanced endpoint security service built for MSPs with native integration of data protection to deliver unmatched business resilience. Acronis MDR is a service offering used with the Acronis EDR solution focused on endpoint protection platform (EPP) to provide passive endpoint protection. The addition of Acronis MDR amplifies MSP’s security capabilities without the need for large security resources or added investments.
The introduction of Acronis MDR and XDR follows a string of security-related offerings and solutions from Acronis, building on the company's EDR offering released in May 2023. Acronis security solutions leverage AI-based innovations and native integrations, which lower complexity and provide complete security in the easiest and most efficient way. With a comprehensive security portfolio from Acronis, MSPs can now offer complete cybersecurity to their customers and scale operations to grow their business.
More information about Acronis XDR can be found on our latest blog here:
To learn how to get started with Acronis XDR, visit:
About Acronis:
Acronis is a global cyber protection company that provides natively integrated cybersecurity, data protection, and endpoint management for managed service providers (MSPs), small and medium businesses (SMBs), and enterprise IT departments. Acronis solutions are highly efficient and designed to identify, prevent, detect, respond, remediate, and recover from modern cyberthreats with minimal downtime, ensuring data integrity and business continuity. Acronis offers the most comprehensive security solution on the market for MSPs with its unique ability to meet the needs of diverse and distributed IT environments.
A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses. Learn more at
Acronis Press Contact:
Julia Carfagno, Global Communications Manager
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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