Introducing the Cavli C17QS: Harnessing the power of Low Power Cat 1bis technology with integrated S
Effortlessly build and run your IoT applications on a single platform, offering seamless global connectivity and highly accurate GNSS tracking.
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Cavli Wireless, one of the first truly 'IoT-ready' cellular module manufacturers, proudly announces the launch of the new C17QS Cat 1bis cellular IoT module. This latest addition to the renowned C-Series line leverages advanced LTE Cat 1bis technology and optional GNSS tracking to deliver seamless global connectivity and tracking solutions. Designed to meet the diverse needs of modern IoT applications, the C17QS sets a new standard for efficiency and versatility in the industry.
The Cavli C17QS Cat 1bis cellular IoT module has been engineered to perform the role of a spiritual successor of our earlier Cat 1bis module, the C16QS. The C16QS was developed to solve one of the long-standing problems within the IoT landscape, merging the high speeds of LTE networks within low power hardware. Capitalizing advanced LTE Cat 1bis technology, C16QS enabled OEMs to develop cost effective low power IoT solutions that could leverage the higher bandwidths of LTE networks with ease and the module has proven to be an industry benchmark, finding applications across a variety of use cases. Cavli aims to further push the boundaries of innovation with C17QS by engineering greater hardware and software capabilities into such a small, power efficient and versatile option for OEMs to incorporate into their future-proof connectivity solutions. Visit this link to watch the full module reveal video.
The Cavli C17QS Cat 1bis module is designed with an ARM Cortex M3 processor operating at up to 306MHz clock speed, running on the FreeRTOS platform. With an iSIM variant under development, the module's extensive interface options include UART ports, USB 2.0, USIM, SWD, network status and power-on status indicators, ADCs, I2S, I2C, SPI, and GPIO pins. The C17QS iterates upon the earlier foundation laid by C16QS and offers upgraded hardware that includes 2MB of RAM and increased ROM capacity up to 8MB. Combining these upgrades with all new comprehensive SDK support ensures that OEM's across the globe can build and scale connected solutions with use-case specific coding. Features like these are the key reason why C17QS is set to revolutionize Low Power IoT and reduce the time-to-market for IoT OEMs.
Supporting a wide range of LTE bands, the C17QS module is equipped for global deployment, providing peak download speeds of up to 10Mbps and upload speeds of up to 5Mbps. The module features a compact LGA form factor with dimensions of 26.5 x 22.5 mm and is integrated with a more capable GNSS chipset, enabling support for multi-band (L1 and L5) GNSS constellations, including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, NavIC, BDS, QZSS, and SBAS.
Designed to operate in various temperature ranges, the C17QS module is suitable for diverse environmental conditions and remote applications. Its low power consumption and power-saving modes ensure prolonged device lifecycles, making it ideal for both battery-powered and externally powered use cases.
The Cavli C17QS Cat 1bis module is designed to power a wide range of IoT applications across various sectors. In agriculture, it enables remote monitoring and management of farming operations, improving efficiency and productivity. In healthcare and e-health, the module facilitates real-time patient monitoring and advanced telemedicine solutions, ensuring better health outcomes.
The C17QS offers a distinct advantage in scenarios where power or space constraints necessitate a combined host controller and connectivity chipset solution, surging ahead of competitors. The module has hardware powerful enough to handle the compute operations required in these applications, while simultaneously providing LTE connectivity, placing itself as a versatile and all-in-one solution to IoT OEMs.
Retail applications benefit from the C17QS module's robust connectivity for inventory management, smart shelves, and enhanced customer experiences. For smart home applications, the module provides reliable connectivity and tracking for home automation systems, security devices, and energy management solutions. Its small form factor and low power consumption make it ideal for these space and power-constrained environments, ensuring seamless and efficient operation.
John Mathew, CEO & Chief Technology Architect of Cavli Wireless, expressed: “The C17QS Cat 1bis module represents a significant advancement in our IoT solutions portfolio. By integrating LTE Cat 1bis technology with SDK, and Hubble management platform support, we are delivering a product that can effectively compete neck to neck with our own range of LPWAN modules. This module is designed to meet the growing demands of various IoT applications, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and longevity in even the most challenging environments.”
With its exceptional global connectivity, advanced GNSS tracking, and efficient power management, the C17QS is set to revolutionize various IoT applications across industries. Cavli Wireless continues to lead the way in innovation, delivering solutions that meet the evolving demands of the IoT landscape. Explore the C17QS and experience the future of IoT connectivity today.
About Cavli Wireless
Cavli Wireless designs and manufactures IoT-Ready cellular modules that improve device reliability and expedite development processes for various applications. Cavli's smart cellular modules are equipped with global cellular connectivity through integrated eSIM functionality that provides users with affordable international data pricing, simplified device management, and centralized subscription management through the proprietary cloud-based platform Cavli Hubble.
Contact Information:
Abhinand Dinesh
Associate - Corporate Markerting
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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