Acronis Redefines Cybersecurity Landscape with Native Integration of Advanced Security and EDR Techn
SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland, Jan. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced a groundbreaking advancement with the native integration of its Advanced Security and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions. This industry-first move not only reinforces Acronis' position at the forefront of cyber protection but also aligns seamlessly with the recognition that traditional security is insufficient against the surge of AI-driven cyber-attacks. In response to this growing need, Acronis ensures that its users gain access to mission-critical EDR capabilities at no additional cost. Prompted by rapidly increasing AI-driven cyber-attacks, this combination of cybersecurity capabilities will help partners solidify their defense strategy against evolving threats in a way that is efficient and cost-effective.
In this rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape, EDR is no longer just a preference – it is a necessity to fortify MSPs against the daily onslaught of sophisticated cyber threats. MSPs have historically struggled with the challenges of operating a disparate set of security tools, resulting in elevated administrative overhead, increased possibilities for human error, and a more vulnerable environment overall. Acronis addresses these critical pain points by integrating endpoint detection and response (EDR) seamlessly with endpoint management, and backup and recovery solutions.
“MSPs and their customers are constantly under attack, facing increasingly more sophisticated threats. Traditional antimalware offerings have become obsolescent. MSPs need EDR,” said Ezequiel Steiner, CEO at Acronis. “Understanding the challenges of widespread EDR adoption, particularly in terms of cost and complexity for MSPs, we have added it at no additional price – disrupting the security market and allowing them to deploy Acronis security to ALL endpoints. Notably, Acronis EDR stands out with its MSP-centric design, enhancing technician efficiency through automation and substantially reducing false positives."
Key features and benefits of Acronis’ integrated Advanced Security + EDR solution for MSPs include:
- Complete Security Solution: MSPs can easily launch and implement a comprehensive security framework that includes rapid recovery capabilities in the event of a successful attack. This integrated approach streamlines security measures, providing a unified front against modern threats.
- Compliance and Protection: The solution enables MSPs to protect against modern threats and readily comply with cyber insurance requirements. With Acronis' integrated technologies, partners can strengthen their security posture, ensuring the highest standards of protection and compliance.
- Greater Efficiency: By minimizing administrative overhead through a single security platform, Acronis empowers MSPs to maximize efficiency. The streamlined approach simplifies management tasks, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall operational effectiveness.
The advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools has allowed threat actors to enhance attack sophistication, volume, and speed. This escalation in attacks poses a greater threat to MSPs and their clients, highlighting the need for a more comprehensive and simplified security framework. Acronis responds to these challenges, meeting the evolving needs of its partners and driving innovation in cyber protection. To address the industry shifts, Acronis takes a forward-thinking approach, leading the future of the security space by providing a comprehensive all-in-one solution.
Recognizing the critical importance of securing all endpoints, Acronis recommends that MSPs deploy security to every endpoint. While MSPs often focus on protecting only critical endpoints, it's essential to acknowledge that any endpoint can serve as an entry point for network penetration. Security must extend to all endpoints to ensure a complete cyber-protection solution. Acronis' integration of Advanced Security and EDR solutions reaffirms its commitment to leading the security sector by offering solutions that address these emerging challenges completely.
For more information about Acronis' Advanced Security + EDR solution, visit:
About Acronis
Acronis unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world. With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions powered by AI. With advanced anti-malware powered by cutting-edge machine intelligence and blockchain-based data authentication technologies, Acronis protects any environment - from cloud to hybrid to on-premises - at a low and predictable cost.
Acronis is a Swiss company, founded in Singapore. Celebrating two decades of innovation, Acronis has 1,800+ employees in 45 locations. Acronis Cyber Protect solution is available in 26 languages in over 150 countries and is used by 20,000+ service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.
Media Contact:
Karl Bateson
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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