From Awareness to Action on Global Fatty Liver Day
Global Liver Institute Unites the Field in Times of Name Changes and New Treatments
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Today marks the seventh annual Global Fatty Liver Day (formerly International NASH Day), led by Global Liver Institute (GLI) with the theme “Act Now, Screen Today.” This campaign underscores the crucial need for early identification and treatment of fatty liver disease to prevent its progression to chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, or cancer.
Fatty liver disease is now estimated to affect 1 in 3 adults worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing. Fatty liver disease during childhood, once unheard of, is also on the rise. Early detection and timely intervention, whether through lifestyle changes or medical treatments, are essential in stopping and even reversing the progression of the disease. “Act Now, Screen Today'' emphasizes that liver health is achievable, but action must begin immediately. Across the globe, partners are driving awareness and educational efforts and ensuring broader access to essential screenings and care.
Global Fatty Liver Day, observed annually on the second Thursday of June, is a rallying cry for collective action to address the growing prevalence of fatty liver disease, the most common liver disease worldwide. “Act Now, Screen Today” reminds everyone that liver health is within reach. Here are specific actions you can take today:
- Take advantage of liver health screening events happening globally to get assessed for fatty liver disease or schedule a check-up with your doctor, especially if you are managing closely associated metabolic conditions like obesity or diabetes
- Increase physical activity, as maintaining an active lifestyle can improve liver health
- Learn about fatty liver disease and its risk factors to take proactive steps towards prevention and management yourself or learn more about the latest research and guidelines for your patients.
With a robust pipeline of pharmaceutical treatments that address diverse mechanisms of action in progress, it is important to identify individuals’ position within the progression of fatty liver disease so that they are poised to receive the most appropriate care possible. Notably, pharmaceutical treatments are available (for certain groups with advanced disease) in two countries, the United States (resmetirom) and India (saroglitazar).
“As a community, we stand at a critical time for the broader global health system to act now to support patients,” shares Donna R. Cryer, JD, Founder and CEO of GLI. “As pharmaceutical treatment options gain approval in different geographies, health payers and systems must listen to the call from global advocates and not place undue obstacles to care – whether that be required biopsy, ambiguous lifestyle requirements, or other hurdles – so that patients are able to access the care they require, no matter who or where they are.”
Recognizing the importance of early detection, a diverse range of partners, including healthcare providers, patient advocacy groups, and community organizations, have joined forces to “Act Now, Screen Today” and launch screening events around the world. From Chile to Nigeria to the Netherlands, the Philippines, and beyond, these events aim to raise awareness, provide education, and offer screening services to individuals at risk of fatty liver disease or the providers who care for them. Global Fatty Liver Day activities are driving positive change at the grassroots level.
“Global Fatty Liver Day is an urgent call-to-action to unite our global efforts to confront the scourge of fatty liver disease,” shares Cat Evans, Director of Program Operations at GLI. “We must act now. By working together, we have the power to create significant change in preventing and managing this pressing health issue through our collaborative efforts.”
Although the challenge of fatty liver disease to the well-being of communities around the globe is great, the power of locally-rooted, collective efforts can turn the tide towards positive change by heightening awareness, equipping people and their healthcare providers with prevention and management tools, expanding understanding of the disease through research, and protecting future liver health through effective policies.
About Global Liver Institute
Global Liver Institute (GLI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in the belief that liver health must take its place on the global public health agenda commensurate with the prevalence and impact of liver illness. GLI promotes innovation, encourages collaboration, and supports the scaling of optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases. Operating globally, GLI is committed to solving the problems that matter to liver patients and equipping advocates to improve the lives of individuals and families impacted by liver disease. Follow GLI on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, or visit GLI is the host of Global Fatty Liver Day.
Christine Maalouf
Global Liver Institute
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