Porsche eBike Performance Accelerates IT Efficiency with Freshworks’ AI-Powered Enterprise Software
Leveraging the automation capabilities and bots within Freshservice, the Porsche subsidiary automated and scaled IT service to elevate their employee experience
BERLIN, March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) announces that Porsche eBike Performance, a Porsche subsidiary dedicated to developing pioneering electric drive systems for e-bikes, has streamlined its IT operations with Freshworks’ AI powered business software, Freshservice™ and Freddy Copilot capabilities to further improve agent productivity.
Launched in 2022, Porsche eBike Performance aims to make a significant impact in the e-bike sector with its innovative solutions. The company faced the challenge of rapidly scaling IT service delivery to support its global release of new products by mid-decade. The IT team turned to Freshworks to standardize processes and provide better support for the fast-growing company of over 300 employees.
Porsche eBike Performance adopted Freshservice for IT, streamlining service requests, and expediting IT service delivery. The platform's centralized service portal, orchestration apps, and integrations, including Microsoft Teams Servicebot, have optimized IT operations. By tapping into Freshservice’s powerful automations and built-in AI features, Porsche eBike Performance implemented IT workflows that help employees work more efficiently.
After implementing Freshservice, the team experimented with virtual agents and chatbots – quickly realizing real returns on their investment. Freshservice's generative AI-powered virtual agent — in conjunction with the Microsoft Teams Servicebot — provides employees with 24/7 support and shortens resolution times within Teams. Porsche eBike Performance also added Freshworks’ latest Freddy AI capabilities, including the “always-on” collaborator, and generative AI Freddy Copilot assistant, to further improve agent productivity. Using the Solution Article Generator, the IT team can auto-generate solution articles from public sources and existing tickets to deflect common issues.
“Freshservice's AI capabilities are the backbone of our IT operations,” said Alexander Wünsch, Chief Financial Officer at Porsche eBike Performance. “With features like conversational support and the solution article generator, we are now able to deliver intelligent and user-centric IT support. Freshservice is simple and easy to understand, even for those without deep technical knowledge or rigorous IT training.”
While the IT team maintains the knowledge base in English, it also supports employees who speak Croatian or German. With Freshservice’s multilingual knowledge base, users have immediate, self-service access to helpful articles in their preferred language, saving time and improving experience.
One major benefit of these features is their intuitiveness. Users and administrators benefit from the balance of Freshworks’ consumer-grade experience with enterprise-grade capabilities to accomplish predictable tasks like incident management, change management, problem management, and hardware or software asset management — all in one place.
Mr. Wünsch noted that the impact has been notable, with fast implementation and user adoption, a boost in IT governance and asset control, improved scalability and efficiency, and a reduction in employee onboarding setup time from 30 minutes to seconds. Buoyed by its initial success, Porsche eBike Performance plans to leverage Freshservice to continue scaling its IT infrastructure. The platform's versatility opens up possibilities for extending the service catalog to departments like HR and Facilities, unlocking even more business value.
“Freshworks AI-enabled IT service solutions have had a tangible impact on Porsche eBike Performance’s business and a positive impact on agent’s productivity,” said John Crossan, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Europe at Freshworks. “We’re delighted that Freshservice is at the heart of such a powerful company’s AI transformation.”
About Porsche eBike Performance GmbH
Porsche eBike Performance GmbH, based in Ottobrunn near Munich, Germany, develops pioneering electric drive systems for e-bikes. These include the compact lightweight drive systems from FAZUA for agile e-bikes and, in future, high-performance drive systems from the Porsche brand. These will be distributed to bike manufacturers worldwide from the middle of the current decade. As well as motors, the drive systems include batteries and the necessary software architecture for connectivity solutions. These are developed at the head office in Ottobrunn and by the subsidiary Porsche eBike Performance d.o.o. near Zagreb, Croatia. Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG is the majority shareholder of Porsche eBike Performance GmbH. www.porsche-ebike-performance.com
About Freshworks
Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) creates AI-boosted business software anyone can use. Purpose-built for IT, customer support, and sales and marketing teams, our products are designed to let everyone work more efficiently and deliver more value for immediate business impact. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks operates around the world to serve more than 66,000 customers, including American Express, Blue Nile, Bridgestone, Databricks, Fila, and OfficeMax. For the freshest company news, visit www.freshworks.com and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.
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