Witness the Future of Manufacturing with Heilind Asia Pacific at the Bangkok Manufacturing Expo
BANGKOK, Thailand, June 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Join Heilind Asia Pacific at the Bangkok Manufacturing Expo and witness the future of manufacturing!
As the leading distributor of interconnect devices, Heilind Asia Pacific, headquartered in Hong Kong and operating in the Asia market since 2012, invites you to explore our extensive range of products.
Our offerings include interconnect, hardware, electromechanical components, connectors, switches, sensors, relays, terminal blocks, and wire & cables. These devices form the backbone of electronic products, ensuring seamless connections and optimal performance.
Heilind Asia Pacific is dedicated to enhancing the supply chain for our customers through innovative inventory programs such as consignment and Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI). Our robust logistics network, with strategically located warehouses across the Asia Pacific region, ensures quick and efficient product delivery.
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional technical support, with a team of experts ready to offer guidance and customized solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
At the expo, engage with our experts and discover products from top suppliers like TE, Molex, Heyco, Panduit, Schaffer, Stanly, and PEM. Our team is eager to understand and meet your specific needs.
Mark your calendars and visit Heilind Asia Pacific at Booth 8G18 in Hall 98, BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand from 19 to 22 June, 2024. For more details, visit www.heilindasia.com.
See you there!
About Heilind Electronics:
Founded in 1974, Heilind Electronics, Inc. (www.heilind.com/www.heilindasia.com) is one of the world's leading authorized distributors of connectors, relays, switches, thermal management & circuit protection products, terminal blocks, wire & cable, wiring accessories, insulation and sensor, hardware & fastener products. Heilind has locations throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, and China.
Heilind Asia Pacific (www.heilindasia.com), a subsidiary of Heilind Electronics, commenced operations in Dec 2012. Besides being headquartered in Hong Kong, where it also has a distribution center and a value-added center, Heilind Asia now has 25 locations & 5 warehouses throughout Asia. Our industry leading service offering to customers in the Asia Pacific is the result of a commitment to the belief of "Distribution As It Should Be".
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/02a2b0dc-7556-4260-ba4c-1b08a378d05
Sarah Luo
Email: sarah.luo@heilindasia.com
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