The Cluster Yachting Monaco celebrates the 10th anniversary at the Yacht Club de Monaco
TURIN, Italy, June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Cluster Yachting Monaco turns 10. Over 150 people attended the anniversary celebration, before HSH Prince Albert II, president of the Yacht Club de Monaco, who congratulated members for the work they do to promote the Monegasque yachting sector. "This initiative has become a reality. You are ambassadors of the yachting industry in the Principality. We want it to be as sustainable as possible over time but to also have an environmental purpose," said the Sovereign. Turning 10 is also the building of the Yacht Club the Monaco designed by Lord Foster, the centre piece of the remodeled harbor with and eco-responsible approach.
The yachting industry currently represents 411 specialist companies in Monaco, generating 1,429 jobs on land for a turnover topping 567.1 million euros. Since it was set up, the Cluster Yachting Monaco, with its 90 company members, has played a vital role as a unifier and intermediary in this industry. By bringing together the different players from brokers to yacht designers, shipyards to equipment suppliers and many other professions, it has generated a unique synergy to drive innovation and sustainable growth in this largely unknown sector.
"In ten years we have achieved many milestones, highlighting the strategic aspect of yachting in Monaco’s economy," commented YCM General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri, Founder & President of the Cluster Yachting Monaco, alongside Vice-Presidents Espen Oeino and Edouard Mousny, Treasurer Laurent Certaldi and the whole industry. Today "it has become the representative of the Monegasque yachting industry on the international stage, including at the most prestigious boat shows in the world, such as those in Dubai, Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Palma and Monaco," says Bernard d’Alessandri.
Continuing efforts to boost training of talented youngsters, to further improve infrastructure, and promote sustainable practices even more than we do now, are the missions Cluster Yachting Monaco have taken on. All its member companies are keen to build a more sustainable future in accordance with the ambitions of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach. "Despite the successes, we are aware that there is a long way to go. Many challenges remain if yachting is to become an exemplary sector in terms of economic performance, technological innovation and environmental responsibility," stresses Bernard d’Alessandri. The event was attended by a number of big names in the industry, including Peter Lürssen from the eponymous German shipyard for whom the Cluster "must keep going on this path of excellence and continue to inspire us to build a future for sustainable yachting".
It is with this in mind that so many stakeholders in the sector will be coming to encourage innovation among the younger generation during the 11th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (1-6 July 2024).
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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