ORBCOMM enhances its managed network offering with next-generation OGx IoT service, paving the way f
Innovative network will enable more powerful and cost-effective IoT solutions, laying the foundation for systems integrators and IoT solution providers to address new markets
ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ORBCOMM today announced the enrichment of its managed network offering with the launch of its next-generation satellite IoT service, OGx, featuring innovative network capabilities and flexible pricing. Today’s release initiates the network’s rollout, featuring patented technology designed to significantly reduce IoT solution power consumption. This will help enable IoT solutions to either match traditional performance at lower costs or exceed it at the same cost.
The OGx network joins ORBCOMM’s industry-leading end-to-end industrial IoT managed network technology ecosystem, which includes satellite and terrestrial services, IoT devices and data analytics platforms.
OGx helps enable IoT solution providers to bring powerful, more affordable IoT solutions to market across low-, medium- and high-data usage applications in agriculture, heavy equipment, maritime, mining, oil and gas, transportation, utilities and more. Applications range from optimizing agricultural production and enhancing cargo safety to helping ensure responsible fishing practices and reducing the environmental impact of resource extraction. IoT solution providers can use OGx to drive new revenue streams and growth in high-value industrial markets.
“OGx combines innovation with affordability to deliver a state-of-the-art IoT service, further enhancing our ability to provide efficient connectivity and secure data flow throughout our IoT network infrastructure,” said Dave Roscoe, ORBCOMM’s EVP/GM. “OGx embodies our mission by empowering systems integrators and IoT solution providers to develop IoT applications that help their customers improve productivity, reduce waste and increase sustainability.”
With over a decade of experience operating its previous-generation IsatData Pro (IDP) satellite service, ORBCOMM developed OGx to maintain its standards of near-global connectivity, comprehensive regulatory compliance and industry-leading development tools, resources and support. OGx leverages existing network infrastructure with new technology to help efficiently tap its full potential.
ORBCOMM value-added reseller AMCi Wireless has already seen power efficiencies while testing OGx in the oil and gas industry, according to Michael Carton, AMCi’s CEO.
“What has been remarkable in our early testing is the power savings,” said Carton. “We have already seen lower power usage and we expect this will get even better as we roll out OGx across our service offerings. OGx will be central to our industrial digitalization initiatives because lower power consumption will lead to continuing savings and will help streamline facility processes and procedures with visualization for enhanced automation, productivity and asset utilization.”
The OGx network’s unique design can help considerably reduce the power consumption of terminals compared to those on the IDP network. The power savings help solution providers reduce hardware costs—by using smaller batteries, solar panels, power supplies and enclosures—or increase message frequencies and reduce latencies using the same hardware.
The network is compatible with ORBCOMM’s existing ST-series of IoT devices with a local or over-the-air firmware upgrade, so current users can take advantage of the new service without requiring new hardware.
OGx is offered with flexible data pricing designed to allow customers to use as much data as they need when they need it, helping reduce overage charges and enabling innovative IoT applications for a broader customer base with new use cases across multiple industries.
ORBCOMM’s OGx IoT service will be commercially available with nearly global coverage starting June 18, 2024. ORBCOMM will be rolling out additional features and functionalities for the network in the near future, opening ongoing growth opportunities for IoT solution providers and further enhancing ORBCOMM’s industrial IoT managed network technology.
ORBCOMM is a pioneer in IoT technology, empowering customers with insight to make data-driven decisions that help them optimize their operations, maximize profitability and build a more sustainable future. With 30 years of experience and one of the most comprehensive solution portfolios in the industry, ORBCOMM enables the management of over a million assets worldwide for a diverse customer base spanning transportation, supply chain, heavy equipment, maritime, natural resources and government. To learn how ORBCOMM is driving the evolution of industry through the power of data, visit www.orbcomm.com.
Media contact
Lina Paerez, SVP of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 613.875.1485
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/86494b2d-e949-4ee9-81cd-be187239c1ae
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