Ecobat Earns Prestigious EcoVadis Gold Rating for Sustainable Business Practices
DALLAS, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recognizing its longstanding commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices, Ecobat, the global leader in battery recycling, has been awarded a Gold Rating from EcoVadis, the world’s leading provider of globally trusted business sustainability ratings.
The Gold designation places Ecobat in the top 5% of 125,000+ companies across 200 sectors globally in such key areas as environmental impact, labor and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable procurement management.
Driven largely by the need to address climate change through the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy solutions, most critically in mobility applications such as electric vehicles, it is estimated that the global demand for lithium-ion batteries could increase by close to 30% annually through 2030 to reach a market value of over $400 billion. To avoid environmental impacts from the extraction and refining of raw materials to cell production to transportation, industry leaders are navigating a sustainable path while generating value for all stakeholders.
“This is a tremendous achievement for our organization. This serves as a testament towards our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices,” said Ecobat Chief HSE & Sustainability Officer Stefanie Scruggs.
We are grateful for the collaboration of our partners, suppliers, contractors, and customers, whose support has been instrumental in attaining this prestigious recognition.
About Ecobat
Ecobat is the world leader in battery recycling and lead production, with operations throughout Europe and the United States. Spanning the collection, recycling, production and distribution of energy storage solutions, lead and polypropylene products, and other commodities essential to modern life, Ecobat helps industries meet the ever-growing need for more efficient, reliable and sustainable energy storage solutions. Visit
Media Contact:
Len Fernandes
Firecracker PR
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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