China and Hong Kong lead Asian participation at Alimentaria&Hostelco 2024
The trade show platform will hold in Barcelona one of the editions with the highest participation of international companies and professionals in its history. Of the 3,200 exhibiting companies, 900 come from outside Spain and 25% of the 100,000 expected visitors will come from more than 120 countries, consolidating its position as the leading European platform for the sector. From 18 to 21 March the major challenges and trends in the industry, such as functional foods, sustainability and AI, will be addressed in more than 350 activities and demonstrations by 700 prestigious experts and chefs.
BARCELONA, Spain, March 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-Multiplying business opportunities and their international impact is the main objective of Alimentaria&Hostelco 2024, one of the largest European events for the food and beverage, catering and hospitality equipment industry for professionals from distribution, retail and the Horeca channel, which will occupy 100,000 net m2 at Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue.
After Spain, the country with the largest exhibition space will be Italy, followed by Turkey, China and Hong Kong, Poland, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Argentina. The participation of Asian companies, led by China and Hong Kong, and with a large representation from Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea, stands out.
In order to maximise its business opportunities, the event has a buyer invitation program, through which it will bring together more than 2,200 importers, distributors, directors and high-level purchasing managers. Of these, more than half are international, from 98 countries - led by the United States, Mexico, China, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Canada and South Korea - and more than 13,000 business meetings are planned.
Alimentaria&Hostelco is one of the platforms with the largest cross-sector offering in the international sector, where the meat, food service and hospitality sectors are most widely represented. This year's edition focuses on the Horeca channel and combines the exhibition offer of Hostelco, the International Restaurant, Hotel, Catering and Community Equipment and Machinery Show, with Restaurama, the Alimentaria show specialising in food service. In addition, the new Coffee, Bakery & Pastry sector and the Catering in Collectivities area, with their respective revitalization spaces, will be added to this large area which will occupy three of the exhibition center's seven pavilions.
Press Alimentaria: Susana Santamaria
Press Hostelco: Gloria Dilluvio
For media requests please contact:
Salvador Bilurbina
phone: +34628162674
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