Ori Industries Welcomes Richard Tame as Chief Financial Officer
LONDON, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Ori Industries, an AI Native cloud provider, welcomes Richard Tame as Chief Financial Officer.
Tame joins Ori after more than three years at Aurora Innovation, where he served as Chief Financial Officer, leading Finance as the company grew from its Series B to their successful IPO on Nasdaq in November 2021, and beyond. Tame managed all finance activity, including investor relations, FP&A, accounting, insurance and internal audit. In addition to his finance operations responsibilities, Tame maintained Aurora’s real estate portfolio, including the opening of six new campuses. For over a decade prior to Aurora, Tame served in finance leadership roles at Lyft, Meta, Microsoft Azure, and AWS and earlier in his career worked in airlines and aircraft leasing.
Mahdi Yahya, CEO and Founder of Ori, shares, “At a time of monumental growth for Ori’s GPU cloud services, we are thrilled to welcome Richard to Ori’s leadership team as the company scales operations to meet the booming demand for GPU compute. His expertise in leading financial operations and strategic investment initiatives will be crucial as we expand our infrastructure capabilities and enhance our global service offerings. Together, we are committed to strengthening and continuing to build enduring relationships with our customers, ensuring their success is at the forefront of our strategic objectives.”
“It’s easy to get excited about a company like Ori that is building the critical infrastructure that is enabling the AI boom. Ori is already making noteworthy business progress and I am looking forward to working with Mahdi and the team to capitalize on the growing appetite for high-performance computing infrastructure as we build the hyperscale cloud of tomorrow,” adds Tame.
As Chief Financial Officer, Tame will be responsible for overseeing all financial strategy and operations, including fundraising, investor relations, financial planning and analysis and accounting. He will also oversee the expansion of Ori’s datacenter footprint to support the growing demand for AI infrastructure and lead Ori’s operations functions, including legal and the People team.
Ori offers a full suite of AI Native infrastructure solutions including compute, storage and advanced orchestration software. The team is headquartered in the U.K. and serves a global customer base.
About Ori
Ori is building the backbone of the AI era so that the technology of tomorrow can advance our world. Ori believes that the promise of AI will be determined by how effectively AI teams can acquire and deploy the resources they need to train, serve, and scale their models. Ori is the ideal partner for AI teams, offering a seamless, end-to-end platform that not only provides the essential GPU compute power but also a software layer designed to optimize the use of these resources. By delivering comprehensive, AI-native infrastructure that fundamentally improves how software interacts with hardware, Ori is driving the future of AI. Learn more at https://www.ori.co/.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f2bd6d94-ed9a-4893-9b0f-3ac75791e846
For any press-related inquiries, please contact info@ori.co.
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