Jitterbit Names Bill Conner President and Chief Executive Officer
Former Entrust and SonicWall President and CEO brings veteran leadership and a focus on strategic transformation
ALAMEDA, Calif., Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jitterbit, a global leader for empowering transformation through automation, today announced that it has named Bill Conner President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the company's Board, effective immediately.
Conner is among the most experienced security, data, and infrastructure executives worldwide. Some of his many successes were during his time as President and CEO of Entrust and SonicWall, where under his guidance both companies surpassed the ambitious financial and operational metrics set across their organizations. In his three decades of leadership, Conner has re-engineered product lines, built world-class service organizations, re-aligned global sales organizations, and created industry-leading marketing campaigns to deliver tremendous financial results.
“Bill has led multiple cybersecurity, SaaS, data networks, and other technology companies to great success during the most transformational technology shifts in the Digital Information Age, and we’re confident his visionary and operating leadership will equip Jitterbit to capitalize on the exciting market growth we see on the horizon,” said Iveshu Bhatia, a Managing Director at Audax Private Equity.
“I am really excited to be joining Jitterbit at a pivotal moment in its growth journey. I look forward to building on some of the foundational elements that have set the company apart: our exceptional culture, our product leadership, and our position in the business digital revolution. I have a deep passion for the market, the company, and the products, and am inspired by the team’s vast achievements,” Conner said. “I want to thank the Board for their confidence in my leadership, and I look forward to building upon the tremendous foundation and talent already in place at Jitterbit.”
Timothy Mack, Partner at Audax Private Equity, remarked, “Jitterbit is poised for an exciting new chapter with the appointment of Bill Conner as President and Chief Executive Officer. It marks a strategic shift in leadership in guiding the company through its next phase of unprecedented growth. We look forward to Bill’s vast experience with go-to market sales enablement, renewals, service excellence, renewed roadmaps and operational mastery.”
Conner replaces George Gallegos, who led Jitterbit as CEO since 2011.
“Leading this company for the past decade has been an honor,” said Gallegos. “Throughout this period, we’ve expanded our global footprint reaching new markets, transitioned our products to the cloud, and guided the company through multiple acquisitions to deliver additional value to our customers. I am grateful for the Board's support in my decision to step down, and I feel confident that handing the reins to a technology veteran and pioneering leader like Bill Conner marks the beginning of a new chapter, ushering in fresh perspectives to propel our organization forward into a dynamic future.”
Said Conner, “I want to thank George for leading Jitterbit’s charter over the past 13 years, building and scaling its growth from inception to its current position as one of the leading iPaaS providers in the industry. We are grateful for the solid foundation he has built for the company and look forward to him continuing on the Board.”
To learn more about Jitterbit, please visit www.jitterbit.com.
About Jitterbit, Inc.
Jitterbit empowers business transformation with low-code enterprise solutions for integration and application development. Jitterbit combines and simplifies the power of iPaaS, APIM, EDI, and LCAP to amplify the value of on-premise, cloud-based, and SaaS systems and accelerate the digital journey. Organizations around the globe rely on Jitterbit’s experience and expertise to help them automate critical business processes and build applications to futureproof their business. Learn how Jitterbit helps people work happier at www.jitterbit.com or follow us on LinkedIn.
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