FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit Concludes with Key Discussions on Global Economic Growth and Sust
RIO DE JANEIRO, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The third and final day of the FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit concluded with pivotal discussions on global economic growth and sustainability. Organised by the FII Institute, the summit attracted nearly 1,500 global leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs who participated in over 65 sessions. Delegates attended solution-focused conclaves, and observed FII Institute’s first Innovators Pitch, setting the stage for the final series at FII Institute’s 8th flagship Future Investment Initiative (FII) in October.
The day began with a fireside chat with His Excellency Geraldo Alckmin, Vice President of Brazil, who addressed foreign direct investment and the global energy transition. He remarked, “Brazil received the second-highest foreign investment in the world during 2023, trailing only the United States. Our recent tax reforms are expected to enhance this further,” he told the audience, setting a collaborative and forward-looking tone for the day.
Another highlight was the session titled ‘Message to the G20’, featuring a thought-provoking discussion with five former Latin American leaders, moderated by FII Institute CEO Richard Attias. H.E. Felipe Calderon, Former President of Mexico; H.E. Laura Chinchilla, Former President of Costa Rica; H.E. Alberto Fernández, Former President of Argentina; H.E. Jorge Quiroga, Former President of Bolivia; and H.E. Juan Manuel Santos, Former President of Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, encouraged attendees to be the change they want to see in the world, emphasising the importance of collective effort in combating climate change and upholding the rule of law for a prosperous future for all.
Marcelo Claure of Claure Group and SHEIN emphasised the importance of equitable access to AI, noting, “AI is the great equaliser. We can bridge the divide between emerging and developed markets in education and healthcare.” Commenting on the future of AI and its integration within various industries, Claure added “with the internet, the cost of information went down to zero and disrupted the advertising business. Then, ecommerce disrupted the retail space. My vision of AI is that it will disrupt all, other untouched industries.”
In a session titled ‘Rulebreakers: What Global Megatrends Are Influencing the World’s Top Investors?’, Claure was joined by Sir Martin Sorrell of S4 Capital, who discussed the need for adaptation to technological advances, stating, “Henry Ford created the five-day working week. COVID-19 accelerated the shift to remote working. Now, technologies like AI and the Metaverse will push this evolution further.”
In keeping with Rio de Janeiro’s entrepreneurial spirit, the summit saw FII Institute’s first-ever Innovators Pitch Competition. Nine startups presented solutions to pressing global issues in AI & Robotics, Education, Healthcare, and Sustainability. Hera Health Solution emerged as the main winner, a startup focusing on an AI-enabled drug delivery platform, with Aravita securing the People’s Choice award. The startup offers an optimised fresh food ordering service with AI, reducing waste and stockouts to boost grocer profits.
Throughout the summit, FII Institute convened industry experts to address critical global issues in its conclave series, covering topics such as AI, ocean regeneration, energy transition, and ESG. Industry leaders advocated for a collaborative approach to sustainability, the deployment of AI in emerging markets, and ESG's focus on climate resilience. Emphasis was placed on inclusive policies, targeted investment, and mentorship to empower entrepreneurs in developing regions.
With the closing of FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit, FII Institute will now shift its focus to the forthcoming 8th FII in October, where the momentum generated in Rio will continue to drive impactful discussions and initiatives. The conference is slated for 29 to 31 October 2024, under the theme ‘Infinite Horizons’.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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