IdentiFlight Debuts V5 Technology: Elevating Wind Farm Wildlife Protection
IdentiFlight V5
IdentiFlight scans the skies detecting and classifying birds in wind farms. Photo credit: IdentiFlight
IdentiFlight V5
IdentiFlight scans the skies detecting and classifying birds in wind farms. Photo credit: IdentiFlight
LOUISVILLE, Colo., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IdentiFlight, a leader in avian anti-collision systems for wind farms, is proud to announce the launch of its V5 technology. IdentiFlight V5 represents a significant advancement in both performance and reliability. Building upon IdentiFlight's proven track record of safeguarding avian species while supporting the expansion of renewable energy, IdentiFlight V5 sets a new standard for efficiency and effectiveness in avian detection systems.
"We are thrilled to unveil our V5 technology, representing a significant leap forward in species protection at wind farms," Carlos Jorquera, CEO and CTO of Boulder Imaging – the company responsible for developing IdentiFlight – remarked. "This milestone reflects our unwavering dedication to a sustainable future, where clean energy flourishes alongside thriving ecosystems."
Key features of IdentiFlight V5 include:
Enhanced Performance: V5 boasts improved detection accuracy and efficiency, ensuring swift and reliable identification and classification of bird species, particularly raptors such as eagles, hawks, and falcons, expanding detection to a 1.3 km range.
Ruggedized Design: With ruggedized control cabinets capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions, V5 is optimized for deployment in diverse landscapes, now including coastal areas.
Streamlined Serviceability: The new design of V5 facilitates easier maintenance and serviceability, minimizing downtime and optimizing operational efficiency for wind farm operators.
The debut deployment of V5 will take place at the Musselroe Wind Farm in Tasmania, in collaboration with Woolnorth Renewables. “The installation of IdentiFlight V5 at Musselroe underscores our dedication to protecting Tasmania's iconic wedge-tailed eagle and white-bellied sea eagle,” Jie Yao, Woolnorth Renewables General Manager, stated. “We recognize that cutting-edge solutions, such as IdentiFlight, are integral to mitigating potential risks of wind farms as we advance critical clean energy initiatives across Tasmania and Australia.”
Boulder Imaging President and COO, Don Mills went on to say, “Together with Woolnorth Renewables, we're proud to pioneer this next chapter in species protection. By deploying IdentiFlight's V5 technology at the Musselroe Wind Farm, we're not just innovating; we're setting new benchmarks for wildlife protection in wind farms. This partnership represents more than just a collaboration; it's a shared commitment to conservation and progress.”
For more information on how IdentiFlight and their V5 technology offers species protection, while maximizing power generation with proven results, please visit
About IdentiFlight and How it Works
Developed by Boulder Imaging, Inc., IdentiFlight utilizes cutting-edge machine vision and AI technology to achieve a 99% accuracy rate in identifying avian species within a 1.3 km range in wind farms. Specialized software and neural networks swiftly analyze images, determining 3D position, speed, trajectory, and specific species.
IdentiFlight safeguards birds in operational wind farms by reducing collision risk with turbine blades and reduces energy loss through informed curtailment. Additionally, it supports wind energy projects by quantifying bird activity at potential sites. Deployed globally since 2016 and independently validated over multiple years, the IdentiFlight system now protects for hundreds of wind turbines worldwide. Independent research underscores its effectiveness, showcasing over 85% reduction in eagle fatalities over previous mitigation methods.
Explore further at IdentiFlight's website.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
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Tawney Eisenbraun
Marketing and Communications Manager
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