FRESCA Mixed Serves Up Cool Luxury this Summer with Limited-Edition Fancy Ice
As part of the newly established FRESCA Mixed Club, the ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans a chance to win a limited-edition ice kit – plus an extra serving of ‘ice' in the form of luxury jewelry – with the help of #1 brand fan, Andy Cohen
CHICAGO, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - As cocktail connoisseurs and ready-to-drink alcohol beverage fans alike are increasingly turning to simple yet elegant ways to elevate their cocktail game, FRESCA Mixed is releasing its rendition on today's hottest trend in mixology – specialty ice. As a part of the new exclusively accessible FRESCA Mixed Club, the premium cocktail in a can brand will offer fans the chance to win a limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Fancy Ice Kit. The kit will include edible gold leaf-infused ice cubes that not only pair perfectly with any of the brand's flavors, but also enhance the overall ready-to-drink experience.
As a known ice lover himself, Emmy-winning host and longtime partner, Andy Cohen, reunited with the brand last month to help launch the FRESCA Mixed Club, a virtual country club where anyone 21+ can sign-up for the chance to win unique experiences and benefits like Fancy Ice, embracing the brand's refined – yet bubbly and playful – heritage.
“I'm obsessed with ice of all kinds and I'm not alone – craft cocktail ice is everywhere these days. Whether it's new bling or fancy ice in your cocktail on a hot summer day, ice adds an extra something that zhuzhes any situation,” said Cohen. “I'm so glad fellow fans will have the chance to spice up their happy hour with Fancy Ice because everyone deserves to feel a little luxurious with a drink in hand.”
From July 1 through July 5, fans 21 and older who enter the Fresca Mixed Fancy Ice Sweepstakes at will have a chance to win one of 100 limited-edition Fancy Ice kits, which will also include cocktail glasses and a 12-pack of FRESCA Mixed (awarded as a $25 gift card) to complete the summer cocktail experience. Plus, one lucky fan will get an extra serving of “ice” in the form of luxury jewelry.
“With the continued rise of members-only clubs, we see how much society is seeking connection and common ground with others, which is why we dreamed up the FRESCA Mixed Club this year to create an accessible yet luxe community for our ready-to-drink fans,” said Elana Blank, Senior Director, FRESCA Mixed. “Summer is the season of country clubs, so we wanted to kick it off with a chance to win our ‘coolest' perk yet so fans can elevate their cocktail game in the fanciest – but easiest – way possible.”
In true country club style, FRESCA Mixed will be announcing events for fans 21 and older to take part in, as well as the chance to win fancy, exclusive items later this year.
In fact, starting today, anyone 21 and older who will also be in Montauk on July 1 can visit this link to RSVP to an exclusive members-only hangout with Andy Cohen from 6:00-8:00 p.m. to celebrate the launch in style and try out Fancy Ice themselves.
For more information on how to enter the Fancy Ice Sweepstakes, join Cohen in the Hamptons, or other FRESCA Mixed Club perks throughout the year, visit and follow @FrescaMixed on Instagram.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 U.S. and D.C., 21 or older. Starts 10:00 AM (ET) on 7/1/24 and ends 11:59 PM (ET) on 7/5/24. The Fresca Mixed Fancy Iced Sweepstakes is sponsored by Crown Imports LLC. No alcohol awarded with prizes. Void where prohibited. For complete details, see Official Rules at
Fresca™ Mixed is a line of premium, pre-mixed cocktails crafted with the deliciously signature citrus taste of FRESCA® and real vodka or tequila. Constellation Brands produces, distributes and markets FRESCA® Mixed featuring the classic signature citrus taste of FRESCA® with a flavorful twist. FRESCA MIXED is produced under authorization from Red Tree Beverages.
Stephanie McGuane
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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