Freshworks Unveils New Data Center in UAE to Serve Customers Across Middle East and Africa
DUBAI, UAE, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) today announced the launch of its new data center, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), in the UAE. This underscores Freshworks' commitment to driving innovation across the Middle East and Africa (MEA) by making it easier for businesses to harness the full power of its modern, AI-powered customer and employee service solutions.
“We are thrilled to further strengthen our presence in MEA with the new data center in UAE,” said Abe Smith, Chief of Global Field Operations at Freshworks. “This investment demonstrates our dedication to supporting the growth and digital transformation of businesses in the region.
With our data center, companies requiring regional data compliance within the UAE can depend on us for business software in Customer Service, IT, and Sales and Marketing. Freshworks will be partnering with AWS in joint go-to-market efforts to serve our mutual customers in the region.”
The data center will serve customers from 72 countries across the region, making UAE the center of Freshworks' MEA operations. The data center, powered by AWS, not only hosts all of Freshworks' products for the customers in the region, but will also leverage AWS, the world's most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud.
“Data residency has always been a topic of conversation with our customers in the region and we wanted to showcase our commitment to them,” said Sandie Overtveld, Senior Vice President of Freshworks APAC and MEA. “We believe the data center will bolster our solution performance enabling businesses to serve their customers and employees in the UAE even better.”
"Freshworks has played a crucial role in enhancing our customer experience management," said Habib Afzal - Head of Omni Channel at Magrabi. "Their solutions have significantly streamlined our processes and enhanced our visibility across functions. We are excited about Freshworks' new journey with the launch of their data center in the UAE, and we are confident it will bring additional benefits to businesses like ours in the region."
"We are excited to support Freshworks' expansion in the MEA region. The recent launch of the AWS Middle East (UAE) Region aligns with Freshworks' strategy to enhance service delivery in this market. Leveraging AWS's infrastructure, Freshworks can offer superior performance, scalability, and flexibility. This collaboration highlights our joint commitment to driving business growth and delivering customer-centric solutions enabled by AI,” said Praveen Sridhar, head of Partner Business, AWS India and South Asia.
The UAE data center represents a critical milestone in Freshworks' expansion strategy in MEA, reinforcing the dedication to make it easy for companies to delight their customers and their employees. Some of Freshworks' largest customers in the region include: Aramex, Landmark Group and Magrabi.
About Freshworks
Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) makes it easy for companies to delight their customers and their employees. Our AI-powered customer and employee-service solutions increase efficiency and improve engagement for companies of all sizes. The result is happier customers and more productive employees. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks operates around the world to serve more than 67,000 customers, including American Express, Bridgestone, Databricks, Fila, Nucor and Sony. For the latest company news, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.
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