Winvest Group Limited Subsidiary IQI Media Offering Demos of Launchrr
RENO, Nev., Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Winvest Group Limited (OTC: WNLV) ("Winvest"), an investment holding company with diverse media and entertainment portfolios, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary IQI Media is now offering demos of Launchrr, a cloud-based distribution platform for filmmakers and content creators. Launchrr dramatically simplifies the steps and requirements for streaming distribution, helping users successfully launch their projects into the streaming universe while capitalizing on multiple revenue streams, such as a guaranteed minimum, a profit-sharing percentage, and an ad-revenue split from social advertising campaigns.
“The traditional distribution model can leave you with very little to show at the end,” said Khiow Hui Lim, Founder of IQI Media, a full-service content development, technology, and production company based in Los Angeles. “With Launchrr, our goal is to pioneer a distribution model that is far more fair and profitable for filmmakers and content creators. As IQI Media’s flagship SaaS product, Launchrr has received an initial round of funding from Winvest Group Limited shareholders and recently completed its database and product prototypes. We have also applied, with the assistance of veteran patent attorney Victor Cooper, to patent Launchrr’s proprietary technology, which enables direct API integrations with all parties in the streaming ecosystem. For those who believe it can’t be done, we invite you to request a demo and learn more about our game-changing platform.”
Another way Launchrr aims to improve upon the current distribution model is by closing the gap on lost data between streaming content partners, guilds and payroll companies. To empower filmmakers and content creators with data, IQI Media Product Manager Kelly Brehm has created several prototypes that demonstrate how Launchrr will facilitate data sharing and communication between all parties, making it easier to monitor a project’s revenue and optimize its performance in real time.
Units are now available in IQI Media Inc. that will fund the next stages of Launchrr’s development. There is a minimum purchase of 1 Unit for $250,000. For more details on this unique investment opportunity, including the terms, projections, and risks, interested parties may request the private placement memorandum (PPM).
About Winvest Group Limited:
Winvest Group Limited is an investment holding company specifically focused on media and entertainment, production and filmmaking, as well as marketing and distribution for all projects on domestic and international streaming platforms and media channels. Winvest will develop and manage a diverse range of multilingual film and television projects. For additional information about Winvest and its investment opportunities, please visit
Investor and Media Contact:
Carmen Chai
Email: or
Phone: 775-996-0288
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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