New collaboration between Boehringer Ingelheim and Sleip leverages AI-technology to help detect lame
- The Sleip app uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide objective analysis of a horse’s movement with just a smartphone.
A new global commercial partnership between Boehringer Ingelheim and Sleip will expand access to AI to enhance detection, diagnosis and treatment of lameness in horses. This partnership delivers on the shared commitment of Boehringer and Sleip to deliver innovative solutions that help veterinary professionals continue to advance their profession and improve the care and wellbeing of horses.
Changes in gait and signs of lameness can be less pronounced at first and difficult to detect. The Sleip app can help make a real difference. Veterinarians can record the horse in action using a smartphone – no sensors or complicated camera system needed. Sleip’s AI-powered technology then analyzes the horse’s movements and displays the results in the app within minutes, including stride-by-stride analysis video with synchronized biomechanical data. The veterinarian can follow up immediately, leading to better health outcomes for horses.
“Our aim is to better serve the equine veterinary community, and the Sleip app will help us drive awareness and improve diagnosis and treatment compliance rates for lameness in horses,” shared Saskia Kley, Global Head of Equine at Boehringer Ingelheim. “With this innovative technology, we now have the opportunity to have an even greater positive impact on the lives of horses, and the people who care for them.”
“Sleip draws on decades of equine biomechanical research and advances in artificial intelligence to aid in a better understanding of how and why horses move the way they do,” said Elin Hernlund, DVM, PhD and Chief Medical Officer at Sleip. “Our vision is to improve horse welfare by making Sleip’s technology available for all those who care for horses – improving diagnostics and promoting collaboration around the health of each individual horse to support early detection and prevention. We are thrilled to partner with Boehringer deliver on this mission.”
Innovative technology helps increase access to care for veterinarians and horse owners
The partnership, which includes Boehringer becoming a shareholder in Sleip, reinforces the value that each brings to the equine veterinary community. While Boehringer is a global leader in equine health with a portfolio of market-leading treatments for various causes of lameness, Sleip uses AI to aid veterinarians in the detection of biomechanical asymmetries that can enhance their ability to diagnose and monitor lameness with greater sensitivity than the human eye alone. Through this collaboration, Boehringer will support the introduction of the pioneering Sleip app to the veterinary community, making this technology even more accessible.
Boehringer will begin promotion of the Sleip app to veterinary customers in the U.S. and Canada later this year. Key equine markets in Europe will follow in 2025.
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is working on first-in-class innovation for the prediction, prevention, and treatment of diseases in animals. For veterinarians, pet owners, farmers, and governments in more than 150 countries, we offer a large and innovative portfolio of products and services to improve the health and well-being of companion animals and livestock. As a global leader in the animal health industry and as part of family-owned Boehringer Ingelheim, we take a long-term perspective. The lives of animals and humans are interconnected in deep and complex ways. We know that when animals are healthy, humans are healthier too. By using the synergies between our Animal Health and Human Pharma businesses and by delivering value through innovation, we enhance the health and well-being of both. For more information visit:
About Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim is working on breakthrough therapies that transform lives, today and for generations to come. As a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the company creates value through innovation in areas of high unmet medical need. Founded in 1885 and family-owned ever since, Boehringer Ingelheim takes a long-term, sustainable perspective. More than 53,000 employees serve over 130 markets in the two business units Human Pharma and Animal Health. Learn more at
About Sleip
Sleip brings equine veterinarians a markerless diagnostic tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) motion analysis to identify lameness in horses. All you need is your phone.
Leveraging equine biomechanical expertise and advances in AI, we make precise equine motion analysis accessible using only a smartphone. The Sleip app detects and quantifies even subtle asymmetries in the horse’s movement, supporting proactive and preventative care. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Sleip is the trusted partner of top equine veterinarians worldwide, from large clinics to solo practitioners. Learn more at
Intended Audiences Notice
This press release is issued from our Corporate Headquarters in Ingelheim, Germany and is intended to provide information about our global business. Please be aware that information relating to the approval status and labels of approved products may vary from country to country, and a country-specific press release on this topic may have been issued in the countries where we do business.
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