AACSB Sets Direction for Business Schools to Lead in AI
AACSB uses new report and global events to set strategic direction for business schools to advance education and lead boldly in AI.
TAMPA, Fla., June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AACSB International (AACSB) is leading the way for business schools to utilize and innovate with AI. With a recently released report that explores how business schools can better understand and embrace the capabilities of generative AI (GenAI), in addition to its first AI conference in the U.S., AACSB is excited to announce renowned AI thought leader Ethan Mollick as a keynote speaker at its Deans Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada in February 2025.
Ethan Mollick is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies and teaches innovation and entrepreneurship, and examines the effects of artificial intelligence on work and education. He also leads Wharton Interactive, an effort to democratize education using games, simulations, and AI. Prior to his time in academia, Ethan co-founded a startup company, and currently advises a number of startups and organizations.
This news comes shortly after AACSB hosted its first AI Conference in Santa Clara, California. This conference focused on the intersection of AI in business education and applied business, the importance of the capabilities of AI, and how AI improves efficiencies without replacing the soft skills; an important focus of business education. AACSB also plans to host a similar AI conference in Paris on October 9 and 10.
This work builds off of AACSB’s recently released report Building Future-Ready Business Schools With Generative AI, which takes an in-depth look at potential threats and opportunities for business education, outlining ways that schools can efficiently use GenAI in their curriculum and learner experiences, while achieving institutional goals.
The impacts of AI are just beginning to unfold in education, business, and society, and these efforts serve as a catalyst to further explore, discuss, and study the dynamics of this evolving digital technology.
About AACSB International
Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at aacsb.edu.
For More Information Contact:
Leah McBride
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