Schneider Electric Sustainability Impact Awards are back for a third year, underscoring the company’
- Program open to Schneider Electric customers, channel partners, and suppliers worldwide - Application process has been simplified, and continues to focus on how applicants achieve results via strategizing, digitizing, and decarbonizing - Nominations are open from now until October 15, 2024 - Winners will be selected at the country, regional, and global levels in late 2024/early 2025
Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced that applications are now open for the third installment of the Schneider Electric Sustainability Impact Awards. Launched in 2022, the awards honor the contribution of Schneider’s partner ecosystem in creating a more sustainable and electric world. Submissions are open until October 15, 2024, and the global winners will be announced in early 2025.
The application and selection criteria reflect Schneider’s integrated approach to sustainability. The focus remains on decarbonization efforts to electrify, reduce, and replace while also looking more broadly at endeavors to create an Electricity 4.0 future through actions to strategize, digitize, and decarbonize. This includes improving energy efficiency, implementing digital tools and technologies, and other examples of impact and innovation. In addition to receiving valuable recognition, award winners benefit from global visibility that could lead to new business opportunities.
“We believe that when innovation and commitment come together, we can drive meaningful changes and create lasting impact. This award program celebrates the #ImpactMakers who are relentless and passionate in turning ambition into action for a more sustainable, electric, and digital world,” stated Chris Leong, EVP Chief Marketing Officer, Schneider Electric.
Upon winning a 2023 global award, Henkel’s Global Key Account Manager Pia Oelze responded, “This award represents personal achievement, exceptional teamwork between Henkel and Schneider Electric to explore solutions-oriented sustainability programs, and the collective progress we have made to create a better tomorrow”.
How to enter
Applications will be accepted from now, and the deadline for submissions is October 15, 2024 (apply here). All nominations and submissions will be shortlisted for country awards; country winners will be entered into the regional finals before being considered for the global award. The global winners will be announced in early 2025.
The 2023 edition of the program received over 400 entries from 60 countries. Twelve companies were selected for the global Sustainability Impact Awards and announced at the Schneider Electric Innovation Summit in Paris on 3 April 2024.
The 2024 Sustainability Impact Awards continue the momentum of Schneider’s Partnering for Sustainability initiative aimed at empowering Schneider’s extensive partner ecosystem to deliver a more sustainable future. The latest milestone of this was the launch of the Schneider Electric Sustainability School, a free educational resource available for companies worldwide to accelerate their decarbonization journey.
Contact: Schneider Electric Global Media Relations |
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