Aleph Group Acquires Entravision’s Digital Advertising Business
Miami, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Miami, FL – July 1st , 2024. Aleph Group, the global leader in connecting leading global digital media platforms with advertisers and consumers in primarily emerging markets, today announced the completion of its acquisition of Entravision Global Partners (“EGP”), the digital commercial partnership business unit of Entravision Communications Corporation.
This strategic move significantly expands Aleph's global footprint, solidifying its position as the single point of access for global digital media platforms seeking to reach audiences across Latin America, Asia-Pacific (APAC), the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Aleph now reaches over 140 countries, empowering over 60 digital media platforms and 26,000+ advertisers with unparalleled access to a combined audience of 3 billion consumers.
Key benefits of the acquisition:
- Unmatched global reach: Through this acquisition Aleph strengthens its presence in 29 markets, through Southeast Asia (formerly MediaDonuts), Latin America, and Central America (formerly Cisneros Interactive), extending its relationships with partners such as TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Spotify, Pinterest, Criteo, Snapchat, and others.
- Markets strengthened by this acquisition:
- Latam: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Panama, Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador.
- APAC: India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia.
Gaston Taratuta, CEO and Founder of Aleph Group, stated:
The acquisition of Entravision’s digital business marks an important milestone for Aleph. We have great respect for what they built as a worthy competitor. With their deep roots in key Central America and APAC markets, this acquisition perfectly complements our existing global network. Aleph is now the only and undisputed global leader in enabling digital marketing in emerging economies. As Aleph approaches its 20 year anniversary in 2025, we are building a generational business, and we look forward to continued growth and success. The shift from offline to online GDP is accelerating, and we are committed to driving digital communication, payments and education in these markets.
Aleph Group's unwavering commitment:
Aleph Group's core mission is to make the world of digital more accessible, fostering economic growth and empowering communities through digital transformation. "We believe access changes the world," states the company's manifesto. This acquisition further reinforces Aleph's commitment to providing a digital media education platform to equip professionals with essential skills and fostering borderless collaboration through a global team of experts speaking over 60 languages. Aleph's unique business model empowers partners to monetize their digital advertising inventory exclusively in emerging markets. Local and global advertisers benefit from a single point of access, where Aleph provides education, generates revenue, and handles all cross-border payment activities, simplifying the process of advertising on global platforms.
Press contacts
Adam Bezeczky, Global Communications Manager
Via Hudson Sandler
Andrew Leach, Adam Joste-Smith, Hudson Sandler -
About Aleph
Aleph is a global digital advertising company operating in 140+ countries, connecting over 26,000 advertisers with over 3 billion consumers. Through partnerships with 60+ leading digital media platforms including TikTok, X, Microsoft, Google, and others. Aleph empowers businesses and communities in underserved markets by building and supplying proprietary technologies with localized solutions, offering local teams of industry and platform experts.
Digital Ad Expert, Aleph's premier education platform, is dedicated to delivering top-tier learning programs. Offering certifications for individuals and custom-tailored solutions for businesses and governments, Digital Ad Expert ensures comprehensive and effective education initiatives for all.
Beyond connecting and educating, Aleph also facilitates cross-border payments and credit underwriting through Aleph Payments. Our purpose is to make the world of digital more fostering economic growth and opportunity for all.
Founded in 2005 and led by CEO Gaston Taratuta, Aleph has grown to over 1,400 employees in 75+ offices and has received investment from major partners like CVC Partners, Mercado Libre, Sony, Twitter, and Snap.
Adam Bezeczky Aleph Group Inc.
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