Zenas BioPharma Appoints Orlando Oliveira as Chief Commercial Officer
Mr. Oliveira is an accomplished biopharmaceutical industry executive with nearly 25 years of commercial experience, building high-performing teams, and launching multiple successful pharmaceutical products
WALTHAM, Mass., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immunology-based therapies, today announced the appointment of Orlando Oliveira as its Chief Commercial Officer. With a career spanning nearly 25 years, Mr. Oliveira brings a wealth of experience building high-performing global commercial teams, driving revenue growth, and fostering strategic partnerships in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.
“As we continue to advance multiple mid- to late-stage clinical development programs, we are thrilled to welcome Orlando to the Zenas leadership team,” said Joe Farmer, President and Chief Operating Officer. “His expertise and track record of building and leading high performing commercial teams will be instrumental in the establishment of the obexelimab franchise and achievement of our goal to bring obexelimab to patients worldwide. We will benefit immensely from Orlando’s broad commercial knowledge and leadership as Zenas evolves to become an integrated development and commercial biopharmaceutical company.”
“I am eager to join the seasoned executive team Zenas has built, guided by their mission to deliver transformative immunology-based therapies to patients in need,” said Mr. Oliveira. “I look forward to working with this team to further develop and execute the strategies and plans for the eventual commercialization of obexelimab and to establish Zenas as a leading global immunology-based development and commercial company.”
Prior to joining Zenas, Mr. Oliveira served as Senior Vice President & Head of International at Mirati Therapeutics (acquired by Bristol Meyers Squibb), where he helped lead and set up the international foundations of the company and prepared multiple oncology launches, including leading the European Medicines Agency approval of KRAZATI®. Previously, he served as Senior Vice President & General Manager International at Agios Pharmaceuticals (oncology business acquired by Servier), and in the same capacity at TESARO (acquired by GlaxoSmithKline). Previously, he served as Vice President Europe & Intercontinental Operations at Cubist Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Merck). Mr. Oliveira also held, during more than a decade, numerous roles of increasing responsibility at Amgen. Mr. Oliveira currently serves as a Board member at OncoInvent AS, a privately held clinical-stage radiopharmaceutical company. He obtained a degree in Pharmacy and a post-graduate degree in Drug and Pharmacy Law from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
About Zenas BioPharma
Zenas BioPharma is a clinical-stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immunology-based therapies for patients in need. With clinical development capabilities and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a portfolio of potentially differentiated autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need. Zenas’ experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on X at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.
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