OSL Transacts First Investment-grade Tokenised Warrant by UBS In Hong Kong
HONG KONG, Feb. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OSL Digital Securities (“OSL”), the digital asset platform of OSL Group (formerly BC Technology Group) (863.HK) - Hong Kong’s only publicly listed company fully dedicated to digital assets, proudly announces participation in UBS’s pilot investment-grade tokenised warrant and simulated product life cycle in Hong Kong - featuring an equity-linked call warrant token issued on the Ethereum-based public blockchain by UBS AG to OSL.
This groundbreaking initiative can revolutionise the digital asset landscape in Hong Kong. OSL, known for its dedication to setting global standards for innovation, performance, security, and compliance, is partnering with UBS to introduce the first investment-grade tokenised warrant and simulate the product life cycle in the region.
Industry Firsts: Pioneering Equity-Linked Warrant in Hong Kong's Digital Asset Market
“OSL is proud to be working with the team of blockchain and product experts at UBS. We are simulating the whole product life cycle of an equity-linked structured product token, from token mint, through simulated secondary market transactions, and finally to token burn at maturity. Hong Kong’s regulated virtual asset landscape has just crossed another major milestone with this Investment grade tokenized financial product issuance,” said Patrick Pan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at OSL Group.
Commenting on this transaction, Winni Cheuk, Head of Sales, APAC Public Distribution, UBS Global Markets said, “The introduction of the UBS tokenized warrant reinforces the bank’s position as the leading derivative products issuer in Hong Kong1. Created natively on a public blockchain in a permissioned environment, this innovative product enhances transparency, reduces transaction fees, streamlines settlement processes, and allows for more flexible trading hours.”
"In a rapidly evolving industry, having a wide range of products on the market in time and doing things right is the key to improving the industry. This collaboration not only represents a significant milestone for OSL but also reinforces the importance of pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the digital asset market," Pan added. “This initiative serves as a powerful demonstration of a real-world use case of blockchain technologies. Together with UBS, we hope to leverage blockchain to open another new chapter in digital financial product issuance and distribution in Asia, showcasing the transformative potential of this technology.”
OSL has been committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital asset space. This collaboration signifies a major step forward in bringing sophisticated financial products to the market, setting the stage for further innovation and growth.
To learn more about OSL, please visit osl.com
1 Source: HKEX data, #1 market share in 2021-2022 in terms of the net notional value of warrants and CBBCs sold.
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