AACSB Recognizes 26 Business Schools Leading Boldly
Innovations that Inspire 2024
Ninth annual member spotlight program features business schools innovating to create unique value for learners, businesses, and society
TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, AACSB International (AACSB)—the world’s largest business education alliance—announces 26 business schools highlighted in its Innovations That Inspire member spotlight program.
This annual program recognizes institutions from around the world that serve as champions of change in business education. In 2024, the highlights feature unique ways that business schools are leveraging innovation to drive new value for the communities they serve.
These schools are leading boldly to enable equitable access, empower problem-solvers, design timely curricula and credentials, deploy adaptive learning methods, create new knowledge, and develop societal impact leaders. Examples include:
- Carbon Emissions Accounting Guidelines for Maritime Transport Enterprises, Jinan University: Developed by researchers at the School of Management’s affiliated Key Laboratory of Human-Nature Life Community, the guidelines provide maritime transportation enterprises with standardized methods for carbon emissions accounting to help address China’s carbon-neutrality goals.
- Promoting Societal Impacts through Data Insights and Collaboration, The University of Alabama, Culverhouse College of Business: Data-driven approaches, multisector engagement, and hands-on learning drive an innovative, federally funded initiative to develop a comprehensive data center focused on using open intelligence to address the opioid crisis.
- Sustainability Transition in International Business (ST101), Grenoble Ecole de Management: ST101 is a pioneering, cross-disciplinary course that blends a virtual learning path with a real-life company scenario, pedagogical exercises, and in-class discussions to learn about, co-create, and critically reflect on innovations for sustainable business models.
- XLab: Designing Digital Innovation Products and Solutions, Case Western University, Weatherhead School of Management: Working with a team that includes multidisciplinary students, faculty, and other university centers, xLab develops ethically responsible technology prototypes, services, and business models in collaboration with company partners.
“In a world facing social, economic, and technological challenges, business schools are innovating to develop powerful solutions. The 2024 Innovations That Inspire selections exemplify the unique ways that business schools create value and impact for their stakeholders,” said Lily Bi, AACSB president and CEO. “Through their bold leadership and innovation, these schools are contributing to a better world, demonstrating the important role they play in our society.”
Now in its ninth year, the Innovations That Inspire initiative has highlighted 240 business school efforts that exemplify forward-looking approaches to education, research, community engagement, entrepreneurship, leadership, and diversity and inclusion.
More insights and examples are available at aacsb.edu/innovations-that-inspire.
About AACSB International
Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With a presence in more than 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at aacsb.edu.
AACSB International
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f5c17b03-181e-4bd0-a796-70ca5aabcb25.
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