nCino Named a 2024 World's Top FinTech Company by CNBC
Recognition in the Banking Solutions category reinforces nCino's reputation as a company that has an innovative impact on financial services globally
WILMINGTON, N.C., July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - nCino, Inc. (NASDAQ: NCNO), a pioneer in cloud banking for the global financial services industry, today announced its inclusion on CNBC and Statista's 2024 World's Top FinTech Companies list. The recognition further validates the power of nCino's single platform, boosted by several key solution offerings including Banking Advisor, a generative AI tool for bankers, made available in the first half of the year.
"nCino is exceptionally proud to be recognized as a World's Top FinTech Company for 2024," said Pierre Naudé, CEO and Chairman of the Board at nCino. "We continue to be driven by our mission of transforming financial services, and this recognition reflects both our roots as a pioneer in cloud banking and our evolution as a partner to financial institutions modernizing their operations through data, AI, intelligent automation, and best-in-class experiences. For us, innovation is not just a mindset – it's our culture and motivation."
nCino was founded to help financial institutions digitize and reengineer business processes to boost efficiencies and harness the power of intelligent automation. The Company has delivered an interconnected platform of best-in-class solutions to over 1,800 institutions ranging from community banks, credit unions, independent mortgage banks, all the way to the largest financial institutions across the globe. nCino's platform enables financial institutions to consolidate vendors while optimizing operations by integrating artificial intelligence and actionable insights to cohesively bring together people and data to deliver personalized experiences consumers have come to expect.
The World's Top FinTech Companies 2024 ranking is based on the analysis and weighting of overarching key performance indicators across multiple categories. The segment-specific KPIs were derived from the collection of publicly available data points and an open online application process. Out of 2,000 eligible companies, nCino was selected due to the Company's positive financial standing and innovative impact throughout the markets it serves.
About nCino
nCino (NASDAQ: NCNO) is the worldwide leader in cloud banking. Through its single software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, nCino helps financial institutions serving corporate and commercial, small business, consumer, and mortgage customers modernize and more effectively onboard clients, make loans, manage the loan lifecycle, and open accounts. Transforming how financial institutions operate through innovation, reputation and speed, nCino is partnered with more than 1,800 financial services providers globally. For more information, visit
Media Contacts
Natalia Moose
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