FSH-free versus FSH-primed infertility treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome using bipha
AMSTERDAM, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - This randomized, controlled trial was conducted at a tertiary IVF center, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Between January 2023 and June 2023, 120 women were randomized. Eligible women were aged 18–37 years with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). After providing written informed consent, participants were randomized (1:1) to undergo CAPA-IVM with or without FSH-priming. Participants in the FSH-priming group received two days of recombinant FSH (rFSH) injections before oocyte pick-up; no rFSH was given in the non-FSH group. All retrieved cumulus oocyte complexes underwent biphasic in vitro maturation (CAPA-IVM). Matured oocytes underwent fertilization through ICSI procedure, and were cultured to blastocyst stage followed by vitrification. Participants underwent a single blastocyst transfer during a frozen replacement cycle. The primary endpoint was the number of matured oocytes.
The number of matured oocytes after CAPA-IVM did not differ significantly between the non-FSH and FSH groups (13 [9; 18] vs. 14 [7; 18]; absolute difference –1 [95% confidence interval –5, 4]). There were also no significant between-group differences in other oocyte and embryology outcomes, including the number of cumulus-oocyte complexes, number of fertilized oocytes, total number of blastocysts and good blastocysts, and total number of frozen embryos. The live birth rate was 38.3% in the non-FSH group and 31.7% in the FSH group, with no statistically significant difference. The miscarriage rate at <12 weeks’ gestation was 5.0% in both groups. Maternal complications were infrequent and occurred at a similar rate in the non-FSH and FSH groups; there were no preterm deliveries before 32 weeks’ gestation.
The study results were presented by Dr. Tuong M Ho at the 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) on July 9th, 2024 in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and have been submitted for publication in a leading reproductive medicine journal.
Prof Dr Lan Vuong from The University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City and MyDuc hospital, HCMC, Vietnam, who led the study, said: “This randomized controlled trial with 120 patients proves that CAPA-IVM without rFSH priming is as effective as two days of rFSH priming. With a live birth rate of 38% for single blastocyst transfer CAPA-IVM achieved a similar live birth rate than standard IVF with 8-10 days of rFSH treatment. This is great news and a milestone achievement. The data supports our belief that women with PCOS are suitable for a complete gonadotrophin free, alternative fertility treatment.”
CAPA-IVM is a novel approach to in-vitro maturation of oocytes recovered after no or minimal ovarian stimulation, that incorporates a capacitation step in the maturation of oocytes in vitro which enhances oocyte developmental competence. CAPA-IVM is a patient-friendly assisted reproductive technology method that may become an alternative option to conventional ovarian stimulation and IVF, with reduced treatment burden in some selected groups of patients. The worldwide rights to the CAPA-IVM technology are owned by Lavima Fertility, Inc. Lavima Fertility is developing a medical device for future application of this technology.
For more information:
André Rosenthal andre.rosenthal@lavimafertility.com
Johan Smitz johan.smitz@lavimafertility.com
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