Iveco Group N.V. to present its 2024 Second Quarter Results on 24th July 2024
Turin, 11th July 2024. Iveco Group N.V. (EXM: IVG) confirmed today that its financial results for the Second Quarter of 2024 will be presented on Wednesday, 24th July 2024.
A live audio webcast of the conference call will begin at 11:00 am CEST / 10:00 am BST on Wednesday, 24th July 2024.
Details for accessing the webcast are available at the following link:
The related press release and presentation will be posted on the corporate website at on Wednesday, 24th May 2024.
For those unable to take part in the live session, a replay will be available in the Investors section of the company website ( following the conference call.
Iveco Group N.V. (EXM: IVG) is the home of unique people and brands that power your business and mission to advance a more sustainable society. The eight brands are each a major force in its specific business: IVECO, a pioneering commercial vehicles brand that designs, manufactures, and markets heavy, medium, and light-duty trucks; FPT Industrial, a global leader in a vast array of advanced powertrain technologies in the agriculture, construction, marine, power generation, and commercial vehicles sectors; IVECO BUS and HEULIEZ, mass-transit and premium bus and coach brands; IDV, for highly specialised defence and civil protection equipment; ASTRA, a leader in large-scale heavy-duty quarry and construction vehicles; MAGIRUS, the industry-reputed firefighting vehicle and equipment manufacturer; and IVECO CAPITAL, the financing arm which supports them all. Iveco Group employs more than 36,000 people around the world and has 20 industrial sites and 31 R&D centres. Further information is available on the Company’s website
Media Contacts:
Francesco Polsinelli, Tel: +39 335 1776091
Fabio Lepore, Tel: +39 335 7469007
Investor Relations:
Federico Donati, Tel: +39 011 0073539
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