Ecorobotix Welcomes Dominique Mégret as New CEO
Ecorobotix, a Swiss Agtech firm, is excited to announce Dominique Mégret, the former Head of Swisscom Ventures, as its new CEO with effect from March 1st, 2024
YVERDON-LES-BAINS, Switzerland, Feb. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- An INSEAD MBA graduate, Dominique Mégret is a seasoned technology entrepreneur and venture capital investor. For the last 17 years, he has been building Swisscom Ventures, the leading Swiss VC fund, from scratch up to over $600m under management and advisory with a portfolio of 90 investments, including Ecorobotix. Before Swisscom, he co-founded and led as CEO the tech incubator Kick-Start Ventures in London. He has been on the board of Directors of Ecorobotix for the last two years.
“We are very pleased to welcome Dominique as CEO, who brings a wealth of startup and scale-up experience to guide the company through its upcoming phase of expansion,” said Hans-Peter Metzler, Ecorobotix Chairman of the Board.
In Dominque’s influential book “Deeptech Nation - What Future for the Swiss Model?”, he passionately advocates for Switzerland as a world-class cluster for R&D-led innovation. He has been supporting entrepreneurs to raise their ambition level and aim for global category leadership, especially at the intersection of AI, precision mechanics/robotics and agronomic/biology technologies, like Ecorobotix.
“As someone from a farming family who grew up with the use of phytosanitary products, the discussion about reducing chemicals and their impacts on the environment and our health is close to my heart. I am firmly committed to helping find effective technical solutions to address this issue on a large scale,” Dominique Mégret, Ecorobotix CEO, commented.
From left to right – Aurélien Demaurex (CFO / co-founder), Claude Juriens (CBO), Steve Tanner (CTO / co-founder), Andrea Halter (CMO), Dominique Mégret (CEO), and Cyril Halter (COO)
About Ecorobotix
Ecorobotix, a Swiss Certified B Corporation®, was established with a transformative vision to revolutionize agriculture by prioritizing environmental preservation through the reduction of chemical and energy usage, as well as minimizing soil impact. Ecorobotix developed its ARA smart sprayer which combines both Ecorobotix’s AI Plant-by-Plant™ software and UHP-Spray-Technology™, together providing an innovative solution that operates at a plant-by-plant level, delivering unparalleled precision in crop treatment. ARA achieves remarkable reductions in input costs while simultaneously boosting crop yields and substantially curtailing CO2 emissions.
For media inquiries, contact Ecorobotix at
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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